Character Unlocking Preferences πŸ”

Another quick update :slight_smile:


A common request is improving the speed-to-character throughout the course. Although ideally you become familiar with the prerequisite items beforehand, for some just having exposure to the component/sound items is enough.

We want to explore an option to change the speed-to-character for those more confident/motivated.

Under application settings you can unlock characters just by learning the prerequisite items. That is, doing the lessons. This makes it at least you have exposure while changing the wait time to characters from day to minutes.


This allows one to get to the characters much faster :+1:

Here is the documentation on it.

A concern is overwhelming users by having to juggle learning the sounds, components, and characters at the same time so we have this behind an option.

But the feedback about the frustration toward getting to the characters was equally valid, so hopefully this helps!

Happy studying :slight_smile:


Just dropping in to say I really love this feature β€” I think options like this (and being able to adjust the number of lessons a day) make it a lot easier to dive in for learners who have already had a lot of exposure to Chinese characters in one way or another. Getting through the basic pinyin components is still totally necessary, since you need to build up the mnemonics for later on, but if you’ve already learned about the pinyin system and stuff, it’s not really too daunting to jump straight to characters as quick as possible. Thanks for the great work!