Extra Study widget: recent mistakes đź“š

This is awesome!

  1. Can we set the lesson batch size to be the application default? looks like right now the lesson batch size is the entire set.

  2. When I fail an item, there are generally two categories:

  • Items where I could self-correct when I know the first answer was wrong. e.g. typo, thought I read a different character, minor lapse in memory.
  • Items that I didn’t really learn in the first place very well, or are persistently getting confused and forgotten.

I want a way to practice the second category specifically because right now I have 40 recent mistakes, but only need help with ~15 of them.

Right now the application has review and lessons for the entire set, which can make it tedious to target the ones I actually need help with. I wish there was a way to select the items I want to study. Perhaps the best way to do this would be to introduce a new box called “Target Study”.

  • users could add/remove from this set in the individual character/word page or after the item appears in review
  • also need a way for users to remove characters in the set while looking at the set. Maybe like how a photo album/music playlist works. Edit → click toggle boxes → remove all.
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