Hey folks, hope all is well
Here’s what we’ve been up to for the past few weeks, some of which you may already know if you keep up with the forum:
Same Pronunciation
It helps to know when there are overlaps in the mnemonics, especially for the sound characters. To that end, we’ve added the Same Pronunciation section:
This brings up only those with the same tone as well. We can also look into adding those with different tones, but this is a start
Audio playback speed
Due to the how fast the sentence audio was, we’ve made it so you can slow it down. It’d be hard to build your listening skills otherwise
There’s three options of:
- Normal
- Slow
- Extra Slow
Try it out and see which one works best for you
Curriculum Filter shuffling
We moved Unknown and Learned over to the SRS Stage filter within the Curriculum list pages.
This enables you to look for items that were both skipped and learned, or unknown and skipped, which was previously impossible to filter for.
Lifetime pricing!
Today we have added a new lifetime pricing option to HanziHero. For a one-time discounted payment of $349, one can have lifelong access to all of HanziHero. This includes not only the thousands of curriculum items we have today, but the thousands we will continue to add. And of course, the many improvements we will make to the app itself.
This has been one of our most requested features, and we are glad to finally offer a plan that allows those who prefer a one-time purchase option to pay once and never worry about any subscription payments again.
We have also opted to make it so that existing annual and monthly subscribers have their current “balance” applied to the lifetime pricing fee. So if you are an annual subscriber that has only been subscribed for a month or so, 11/12th of that initial annual payment will be applied to the lifetime fee automatically!
You can read more about upgrades from the docs here.
The long journey to lifetime pricing
Adding lifetime pricing is something we have been thinking about ever since we started on HanziHero over two years ago. However, we have also felt strongly about not launching it until we felt that HanziHero lived up to our initial vision for a truly streamlined and handcrafted Chinese character learning app.
Since we launched the initial paid version of HanziHero over a year ago, we’ve worked steadily to finally reach that threshold. In that time, we made countless improvements. We went from having no simplified course to having full parity between our traditional and simplified course options each with full HSK character coverage. In that time, we went from our initial scarce offering of ~200 words to the 3.7k+ we have today that we continue to add to each week.
Towards the beginning of next year, we plan to have 6k+ words such that each character, on average, has 2+ words associated with it to help drill in the meaning and pronunciation. We will continue to add to the curriculum after that, working our way up to 4k+ characters with associated words for each character, as well as beginning to add thousands of HSK words that fit into our system.
Likewise, we have also made countless improvements to the app as well, almost too many to list out in entirety:
- Item skipping
- Item prioritization
- Word usage examples
- Extra study
- Revamped lesson flow
- Revamped and modernized spaced repetition algorithm
- Word usage example audio
We are proud of what we have built so far, but even more excited about what is to come. In many ways, we are just getting started.
Other pricing changes
There are no pricing changes for existing subscribers.
In lieu of the aforementioned changes we’ve made since we first launched HanziHero, we have also made some pricing changes to bring the pricing of the app in line with others in the market. Existing subscribers will not be affected by any pricing changes as they will continue to have their legacy pricing locked-in.
The new subscription options are:
- Monthly: $15/mo + taxes
- Yearly: $10/mo (billed annually for $120) + taxes
- Lifetime: $349 one-time payment + taxes
You can read more on our pricing page.
Anyway, that’s it for now. These pricing changes were more involved than they look! It required us to wrangle with large parts of our codebase in addition to requiring a large amount of consulting and inquiry with our payment provider to find an implementation that would work as seamlessly as possible. With it out of the way, we can go back to what we like to do best: make even more improvements to HanziHero!
Happy studying!