Word clozes using sentences

just some food for thought: maybe it would be helpful to use sentences with fill-in-the-word clozes instead of just asking for the meaning of the word because for some of the words i am learning, i have absolutely no idea about how to use them in the real world, which is why I keep forgetting them. For example “follow-up”. Hell, I’ve been learning this word for like 5 months now and I have no fucking idea about how to use it. I don’t even remember the word. For some of them it’s quite obvious, but for example, there are approximately 30 words that have to do with being happy, but all of them PROBABLY differ in terms of the context they can be used in - which right now, I would have no idea about.

That’s why I think it would be better to test words using clozes where the word can be used in instead of only the word. Just some food for thought.



OTOH, if you read the phrase 跟进方法, would you understand it? If so the next stage is to get enough input until you understand it well enough to use it production. I dont think the SRS that effective in general at teaching speaking.

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Thanks for the feedback!

I am aware of cloze questions, but haven’t used them much myself in my studies. My personal bias is that contextual awareness of word meanings is best done through massive amounts of immersion (either listening or reading). This is something we may look into after we build up a greater base of vocabulary within the curriculum.

Off the top of my head, there are a couple of problems I can see us encountering if we implement something similar:

  1. If it is a typed cloze question, it will require someone to switch their selected language on their keyboard every time it shows up.
  2. If it is a multiple choice cloze question, there may be cases where multiple answers could technically be correct. E.g., 很開心認識你 is just fine, but nearly everyone says 很高興認識你 which is ever-so-different to the point of being, like most things in language, sort of arbitrary after a certain point.