What you're preffered method for dealing with this type of card

Since I apparently never seem to hit this word in DuChinese or any other content, I never remember this bad boy correctly. I only just realised how bad this card way today when I though “wait a second, why do I feel like I see this all the time?!?”

I’m tempted to just skip it. This is a word card and I know both characters very well (Which is the problem - I default to what my guess about the characters means not what it actually means), so come back in 6 months and I’ll probably just have learnt it via other input, no HH reviews required. But do others have better ideas?

Having a ton of words like this is exactly why I decided to start using HH exclusively for characters and remove every single word I had saved. Personally, the mnemonics just arent an effective way for me to remember words.

Now I just add unknown characters from words Ive mined in migaku memory or anki. So I still have the synergy of SRS with the characters and associated words, except the words are actually attached to a natural context instead of being “forced”

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I think skipping and coming back to it is always a good idea. If the word is “essential” you will learn it eventually when you start reading or immersing in Chinese, anyway, as you will be forced to when you come across a sentence whose meaning depends on it (and at that time, maybe you can un-skip it if desired). And if it isn’t, well then nothing is lost.

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