I was thinking, maybe the error forgiveness system should have an extra check that you didn’t enter the meaning of a similar, but completely different meaning word that happens to also have similar english. I just entered “southeast” on 西南 and was forgiven because it’s only two letters off of “southwest”. I understand this is kind of a vague proposal and may be difficult to implement.
I think the system is just forgiving enough. Every system will either accept some wrong answers or reject some correct ones due to typos. Your case is an anomaly. Still, I can see why it might feel absurd.
As someone who makes a billion typing errors, I definitely need the forgiveness level that is provided lol. I definitely have had some entries where I’ve typed the incorrect answer (definitely incorrect), but because it was similar to the correct answer, it got marked as correct. So, it has happened to me too! But it is very rare.
Same I can’t type correctly to save my life. If I ever actually enter a wrong meaning and it is marked as correct i just undo it and type a wrong answer on purpose the next time it shows up. This way it will be marked as wrong like it should have been. Just like i undo any pinyin typo so it can be marked correct in the next answer.
It works both ways ^^
This one is a bit tricky. With the “undo” feature, one can at least make it so the answer is not marked as correct.
I see two possible things we can add here:
The first is adding a “blocklist” of meanings for each item. This helps if one keeps on mixing things up, but requires deliberate item “editing” when this sort of scenario is encountered to prevent it from happening again. Because of the extra work required, I’m not too keen on this solution.
The second one would be to add a shortcut/button that specifically shows up when the “typo” scenario occurs. This would allow one to mark it as incorrect. I think this is pretty good, and a shortcut would allow it to be pretty seamless. We already have a notification that says “Oops… typo (etc)” bringing it to attention, allowing one at that moment to decide whether it was a typo or whether it should be marked as wrong that time around. One downside of this is that we don’t have that much space on the taskbar left. Maybe we can find some other area for it.
After further reflection, I think the current system is pretty much the best compromise possible - I wasn’t really aware of the “manually mark as incorrect” option in my original post, and knowing that it exists, the status quo feels fine.