Tuesday June 11 2024 Traditional Curriculum Update



  • 太 excessively alternate meanings: too, overly, excessive, very

  • 家 house alternate meanings: home

  • 抱 embrace alternate meanings: to embrace, embraced, to hug, hug

  • 聽 listen alternate meanings: to listen, hear, hearing, listening

  • 路 road alternate meanings: path, street

  • 胸 chest meaning change: bosom → chest

  • 胸 chest alternate meanings: bosom, breast

  • 胸 chest mnemonic change

  • 辯 dispute alternate meanings: to dispute, disputes, disputing, debate

  • 燃 ignite alternate meanings: to ignite, ignites, igniting, ignited, burn

  • 摸 grope alternate meanings: to grope, groping, gropes, touch

  • 拒 refuse alternate meanings: to refuse, refusal, refused, refuses, reject



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