Targeted Sentences Bug

So far, I’ve noticed in a couple of sessions that a word will carry over into the next few sentences. Like, here, 协议 carried over from 这次会议的主要目标是缔结协议

Update #1: Some sentences aren’t generating correctly(?) I heard 他究竟是谁?But it showed 他究竟了. I don’t remember what the sentence was before this one.


@admins Another bug. I feel like this one won’t happen often since I haven’t been having any issues until I did these exact steps:

  1. I selected a word that appeared in the purple sentence at the top (full sentence not show, I think the word was 兼容),
  2. and right-clicked “Read aloud section” (in MS Edge). This did not, in fact, read anything aloud (lol).
  3. But when I moved on to the next word, it produced bug 5 (first photo below),
  4. and when I continued from there, it produced bug 6 (second photo below).

Bug 5: half a sentence carrying over from previous term - underlined word is fine.

Bug 6: another half a sentence carry over form previous term in addition to penultimate term - underlined word is still fine.

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Thanks! I’ll add more stale checks to make sure everything re-renders properly, and hopefully even with the Edge “play aloud” it should work just fine :sweat_smile:

By the way, the Read Aloud feature is so cool! I forgot about it :slight_smile: I wonder if there are extensions for the same effect on firefox/chrome

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