Suggestions for character filtering page

Individual filter reset

Is there some technical limitation for why the “All” option is grey’d out? It seems that one must clear all filters in order to clear a single filter. Not a huge deal, but say you want to go from examining all Silver HSK 5 characters, and then look at all Unkown HSK 5 characters. You have to press the clear all button because you’re forced to look at a single SRS category (to make matters worse, all SRS categories have 0 “Unknown” words by definition).

Some other suggestions

  • have you considered a range widget for SRS rank? I’d imagine some people might be interested in knowing all gold/platinum characters or something which are more or less “well-known”.
  • can we display the total count of a filter result? It would be nice to see how many characters are in a certain SRS rank. I guess ideally that sort of metric would be in a wholistic “progress” tab, but none really exist right now outside of the chart and table on the main page.

Good point–I’ve made it so the “All” options are now selectable :slight_smile: I think the reason why I greyed them out previously had to do with how I was handling empty values, but that was resolved.

Yeah, it seems the SRS stage filter and the Status filter are one and the same at closer inspection :thinking: It could be possible to merge them into one filter, or, as you suggested, maybe it multi-select so all of the potential filters are available. I can see us supporting this.

One thing we want to do is rethink the SRS stage colors/labels. Iron / Platinum / Silver are awfully close to one another in its hues :sweat_smile:

I think that will be the case in the coming months :+1: I still need to figure out a flow for skipping/prioritizing characters in bulk, and I think the total count would be needed to state how many characters one is prioritizing/skipping


Yeah, it seems the SRS stage filter and the Status filter are one and the same at closer inspection :thinking: It could be possible to merge them into one filter, or, as you suggested, maybe it multi-select so all of the potential filters are available. I can see us supporting this.

Yeah I don’t envy yall, this seems like a tricky thing with no super clean solution. The issue here is logically the widgets are connected, but they represent different concepts/user journeys. IDK how feasible this is, but you could consider:

  1. Range Slider for SRS stage
  2. Single Select for Status

Both widgets could default to either being greyed out or saying “all” to indicate no-filtering. If a user adds filtering via the SRS stage widget, the UI should set the Status widget to default. Likewise, if a user selects any value for the Status widget, the UI should should set the SRS Stage widget to default. Basically, it should only be possible to activate one or the other widget.

One thing we want to do is rethink the SRS stage colors/labels. Iron / Platinum / Silver are awfully close to one another in its hues

You could take inspiration from LoL etc. ranked borders. Also might be cool to have progressively fancier looking tags for higher ranked items. Though that does run the risk of looking tacky in the context of this site which puts serious learning in front of all the gems, streaks, etc. gamified of other language learning apps.


Yeah, this sounds like the most reasonable way to go about it – that is, just making the redundant states illegal.

Yeah, I would love to have little gems of some sort for the SRS stages, but it seems like it’d clash. We’ll have to experiment, but for now I think bright colors that clearly demarcate each SRS stage is the current plan :+1: