Hello, simply put i’ll be updating daily to keep myself accountable. I have been studying Japanese for a while but I’ve been getting really busy with school, so I thought about the best thing to do. So I though I’d finish hanzihero within the time so I can get accustomed to learning/differentiating Hanzi/Kanji and knowing 3000+ Hanzi to smooth out my Japanese journey when I return to studying it. I intend to start out with 15 lessons a day and will be trying to ramp it up, alongside this I will most likely start doing 30 minutes of duchinese a day at 500 characters to reinforce/maintain my knowledge. Aside from this I also try to read french books for about an hour a day, for school purposes. You might think this is a stupid idea because I can really just use WaniKani or just reduce the amount of studying, and I agree but this seems to be the decision my mind wants to make and learning another extra language is always a good thing, so this is where my rant ends. :')
Welcome aboard! I look forward to seeing your progress.
I see that you’re doing the simplified course. While I think you’ll get sufficient overlap between the simplified characters and kanji, you may get more mileage with the traditional course instead.
Out of curiousity I was able to find a Google Drive PDF outlining the similarities and differences between the kanji, traditional, and simplified script.
Though it only covers only 1945 of the joyo kanji it can still help with a ballpark, assuming the information in the tables is accurate enough.
I was able to extract the text and run some numbers and found that for the 1945 kanji, they’re:
- 66% the same as simplified characters
- 85% the same as traditional characters
Maybe you have separate reasons for targeting simplified though, and 66% is pretty good all things considered
Actually I did research but came to the conclusion that I’d rather learn the more frequently used script sacrificing the extra “gains” regarding kanji. Because whether or not I learn trad or simplified, it’s still going to be a tough path mastering thousands of kanji
Also with this I mark my first log. Today I also looked into comprehensible input and gathered some resources.
Hello, you are not alone
My flow of thoughts was similar:
- Lets lean japanese !
- Ok let’s use WaniKani
- Oh there is so many kanji that came from hanzi
- And here i am with hanzihero learning … Taiwanese ?