Progress is lost

When I do my daily lessons or reviews, and I can not finish (e.g end of commute) then all my progress is lost if my session breaks or if I go back to home screen.

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For the most part we have a good bit of functionality built into the app to prevent any sort of progress loss.

For example, if the internet connection is lost, we will have an indicator in the review/lesson UI. If it is disconnected for a large period of time, we will eventually show a suspension modal to prevent any more reviews until the internet is reconnected so data can be saved.

However, despite this, there are a couple of scenarios where a small amount of progress can be lost:

  1. If a item is partly answered (e.g., the meaning question was answered, but the pronunciation question has not yet been) and the UI is later closed, you will later need to answer both questions again.
  2. If you go partway through some lessons but never get to the quiz portion where all question(s) related to the item are answered correctly, the item will still remain a “lesson” and not enter your reviews.

For the first scenario, we have something called Wrap up. It’s the button in the bottom right of the review interface.

When this button is pressed, no new items will be shown. Instead, you will only be given the questions to partly answered items, allowing you to safely wrap up your session. So if you need to exit a review session, you can press this button to allow you to wrap it up safely with all progress saved.

I hope that helps!