Prioritization button on mobile location?

Is the prioritization button missing on mobile? I can’t find it.

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It should be in the top-right of any character page, provided you have not learned the character yet. I think it could be a bit more visible, I filed a bug for us to make it a shade or two darker.

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Following up: the shade has been bumped :slight_smile:



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I think I found my problem. It lets me prioritize a character but not a word. Is there a reason we cannot prioritize words? will the words automatically be added to our study when we prioritize the characters?

the reason I ask is because I have found it very helpful to prioritize characters I run into when I am reading something on LingQ or practicing speaking with a partner, if I can find them here I prioritize then, then it lines up Hanzi Hero with my other study in very helpful way. The more I am able to customize my experience here to make it work in concert with my other study, the more entangled I will become in your product :laughing: