Possibility to review/extra study only characters?

Hi guys,

I had 2 feature proposals, perhaps others might find it useful (and hopefully it is easy to implement):

  1. Review / extra study only characters mode
  2. In the character review mode, also add a new feature to learn the story:

Show the story but with (randomly) parts of the story blanked out, which the user has to fill in.


Next up on our list of things to do is to revamp the extra study modes by showing an intermediate modal dialog where one can filter what is being studied. With that in place, it will be possible to filter to only the characters if desired before launching the study session. :+1:

I don’t think we will be able to get to (2) for a while due to the current pile of work we have. However, it does give us a useful idea on what we could do to help users reinforce the mnemonic story, which I think we can definitely improve on! :thinking:


thanks a lot. I really love that your website takes user feedback seriously.

Looking forward to any of your new updates/releases.

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