Optional General type Quiz

As I can see so far, we only get quiz practice at the end of a lesson. How about having an optional quiz for items we have not seen in a while? I think it could be a cool feature to have, sometime in the future.:grinning:

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We have a basic version of this feature today: Extra Study | HanziHero Docs

It allows one to practice things they learned recently or things that they recently made mistakes on during their reviews.

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I hear you, but what I am suggesting is to have an optional review of items that are not due for another 2 or more weeks. We could make this review in such a way that it will not flag those items as having a review, so that the current, normal review schedule will not be disrupted for any items undergoing the optional review. It will be like a sneak revisit of some items. This will be totally optional, meaning not everybody will have time to do it, but it will be a nice feature to have for those who do.

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Don’t ever change this please.


I think I may still be under the newvie ‘not getting enough of it’ syndrome. I heard somewhere here that eventually reality will have the likes of me wishing for more time, rather than more reviews :grin: I wonder, what is the average for advanced learners?

I’m at around 1000 characters and about 1500 words on the 20 items/day setting after about 7 months of Hanzi Hero. For me personally, reviews and lessons in total take 40 minutes if I am speed running or an hour and a half if I take my time and practice my writing as well.

I’d say that at any given time there are maybe 10-12 items in total that are hard for me to remember and I spend a bit of extra time before and after the sessions each day working on them.

That being said, the majority of the time the normal reviews are enough for me to pass with around a 98% retention rate each time.

Where additional practice outside of Hanzi Hero can come in really helpful is when you want to do more than just pass the quizes but actually incorperate the new items into daily usage during conversation. I find for this no amount of review will help me. I need to actively say that I want to try using a specific word in a conversation and then go use it.

Remember too that this is a long journey so it’s good to keep yourself begging for more. Let that excitement fester and make you excited to wake up each day for your reviews. Don’t blow it all on a sngle day and then need to take multiple days to recover.


Great advice! Thank you :grinning: You have had great progress in that time. Well done!!
I felt a bit pressured today, the review taking longer than usual. That is where the settings option comes in handy. After the first couple of lesson, I escaped back to the dasboard to temper down the max number of items per lesson. I want to allocate some extra time to do some extra reviews for those items that I have identified as troublesome.
Also, I see the quiz as a measuring tool, and a true indicator of what level my items are. I have about 40 journeyman and I am very confident with all of those. 227 Apprentice, some of which make me think harder, even though I know them (I need to check the prompts in the mnemonics) and about 84 novices. Also, a couple of components today came up mixed up in my mind due to their similarity. I need to zoom in into those details and become more aware of them. It am still enjoying the process, even this strategizing to achieve what I want. :woman_technologist::grinning:

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I usually spend about a hour going through all the reviews including the recent mistakes and recently learned sections. I do 20 new lessons a day with a consistent 85 to 90% retention rate. I’ve learned 1,925 characters and 1,075 words in 9 months or so.

Personally I don’t sweat it too much if I can’t remember a word or a character very well. I know that for my style of learning I need to see these things MANY times before I actually get it. I recommend you start reading graded readers. This way you will review characters and words, as well as starting to understand how they are actually used.

Remember this is a really long marathon, not a sprint!
Good luck!