Breaking changes
- 酵 to ferment pinyin change: xiao4 → jiao4
This has been updated to be in line with standard Mainland Mandarin pronunciation. It will be reset for those who have previously learned it.
- 埋 to bury meaning change: bury → to bury
- 埋 to bury alternate meanings:
- 埋 to bury mnemonic change
- 执 to clench meaning change: clench → to clench
- 执 to clench alternate meanings:
- 葬 to bury meaning change: bury → to bury
- 葬 to bury alternate meanings:
,to inter
- 臣 feudal subject alternate meanings:
feudal servant
,feudal official
- 愁 to worry meaning change: gloomy → to worry
- 愁 to worry alternate meanings:
- 愁 to worry mnemonic change
- 楼 multistory building alternate meanings:
multistorey building
- 伸 to extend meaning change: extend → to extend
- 伸 to extend alternate meanings:
- 杀 to kill meaning change: kill → to kill
- 杀 to kill alternate meanings:
- 悬 to suspend meaning change: suspend → to suspend
- 悬 to suspend alternate meanings:
,to hang
- 扭 to twist meaning change: twist → to twist
- 扭 to twist alternate meanings:
- 夺 to take by force meaning change: take by force → to take by force
- 夺 to take by force alternate meanings:
take by force
,takes by force
,taking by force
,took by force
,to take
,to seize
- 夺 to take by force mnemonic change
- 煎 to sauté meaning change: sauté → to sauté
- 煎 to sauté alternate meanings:
,to saute
,to pan fry
,pan fry
- 煎 to sauté mnemonic change
- 塌 to collapse meaning change: collapse → to collapse
- 塌 to collapse alternate meanings:
,to fall down
,fall down
- 悟 to realize meaning change: realize → to realize
- 悟 to realize alternate meanings:
- 扰 to harass meaning change: harass → to harass
- 扰 to harass alternate meanings:
- 奔 to dash meaning change: dash → to dash
- 奔 to dash alternate meanings:
- 愤 indignant alternate meanings:
- 抬 to lift meaning change: lift → to lift
- 抬 to lift alternate meanings:
,to elevate
,to raise
- 崩 to collapse meaning change: crumble → to collapse
- 崩 to collapse alternate meanings:
,to crumble
- 崩 to collapse mnemonic change
- 殖 to breed alternate meanings:
,to reproduce
- 胁 to coerce meaning change: coerce → to coerce
- 胁 to coerce alternate meanings:
- 胁 to coerce mnemonic change
- 溪 creek alternate meanings:
- 抢 to rob meaning change: rob → to rob
- 抢 to rob alternate meanings:
,to steal
,to snatch
- 抢 to rob mnemonic change
- 朗 bright alternate meanings:
- 奏 to play music meaning change: play music → to play music
- 奏 to play music alternate meanings:
play music
,plays music
,playing music
,played music
,to play
- 奏 to play music mnemonic change
- 拨 to allocate meaning change: allocate → to allocate
- 拨 to allocate alternate meanings:
- 拨 to allocate mnemonic change
- 谋 scheme alternate meanings:
to scheme
- 邪 evil meaning change: demonic → evil
- 邪 evil alternate meanings:
- 邪 evil mnemonic change
- 掏 to draw out meaning change: draw out → to draw out
- 掏 to draw out alternate meanings:
draw out
,drew out
,draws out
,drawing out
,to fish out
,fish out
,to take out
,take out
- 掏 to draw out mnemonic change
- 爽 refreshing meaning change: refreshed → refreshing
- 爽 refreshing alternate meanings:
- 酵 to ferment meaning change: ferment → to ferment
- 酵 to ferment alternate meanings:
- 酵 to ferment pinyin change: xiao4 → jiao4
- 酵 to ferment mnemonic change
- 擎 to lift up meaning change: lift up → to lift up
- 擎 to lift up alternate meanings:
lift up
,lifts up
,lifted up
,lifting up
,to hold up
,hold up
,to lift
Newly added
- 埋葬 to bury meaning change: bury → to bury
- 埋葬 to bury alternate meanings:
- 埋葬 to bury mnemonic change
Newly added
- 夺目 dazzling
- 夺取 to take by force
- 壮观 magnificent
- 壮实 sturdy
- 扭伤 to sprain
- 脚踝 ankle
- 扭转 to turn around
- 若是 if
- 冷若冰霜 as cold as ice
- 拨打 to dial
- 拨款 to allocate funds
- 水渠 water canal
- 渠道 channel
- 凉爽 cool and refreshing
- 爽快 frank
- 阴谋 conspiracy
- 谋杀 to murder
- 演奏 to perform music
- 伴奏 to accompany musically
- 醒悟 to come to realize
- 领悟 to comprehend
- 耳膜 eardrum
- 面膜 facial mask
- 掏钱 to pay
- 掏枪 to draw a gun
- 威胁 to threaten
- 威信 prestige
- 水槽 water trough
- 辣椒 chili pepper
- 胡椒 black pepper
- 肉粽 meat rice dumpling
- 粽子 rice dumpling
- 糯米 sticky rice
- 寡妇 widow
- 就寝 to go to bed
- 煎蛋 fried egg
- 引擎 engine
- 发酵 to ferment
- 酵母 yeast
- 手臂 arm
- 右臂 right arm
- 鞭打 to whip
- 鞭子 whip
- 海滨 seaside
- 湖滨 lakeside
- 恭喜 to congratulate
- 别墅 villa
- 稠密 dense
- 黏稠 viscous
- 悬殊 vastly different
- 多亏 thanks to
- 倡议 to propose
- 延伸 to extend
- 抬头 to lift the head
- 抬头挺胸 head up and chest out
- 文凭 diploma
- 凭证 proof
- 乡愁 homesickness
- 发愁 to worry
- 愁容 worried look
- 执意 to insist on
- 执照 license
- 开朗 cheerful
- 朗读 to read aloud
- 公吨 metric ton
- 打鼓 to play a drum
- 增添 to increase
- 傍午 around noon
- 绘声绘色 vivid
- 埋藏 to bury
- 气愤 indignant
- 愤怒 angry
- 繁殖 to breed
- 城镇 town
- 镇定 calm
- 津津有味 with great interest
- 氏族 clan
- 姓氏 surname
- 邪恶 evil
- 无邪 innocent
- 耕地 farmland
- 耕作 farming
- 山崩 landslide
- 崩塌 to collapse
- 预兆 omen
- 情侣 lovers
- 僧人 Buddhist monk
- 僧侣 Buddhist monk
- 大猩猩 gorilla
- 初衷 original intention
- 小溪 brook
- 溪水 creek water