Breaking changes
- 剖 to cut open pinyin change: pou3 → pou1
- 褐 brown pinyin change: he2 → he4
- 艘 boat pinyin change: sao1 → sou1
This brings these items in line with standard Mainland pronunciation. They will be reset for all who have previously learned them.
- 贿 to bribe meaning change: bribe → to bribe
- 贿 to bribe alternate meanings:
- 贿 to bribe mnemonic change
- 肖 to resemble meaning change: resemble → to resemble
- 肖 to resemble alternate meanings:
- 压 pressure mnemonic change
- 逾 to exceed meaning change: exceed → to exceed
- 逾 to exceed alternate meanings:
- 贼 thief meaning change: burglar → thief
- 贼 thief alternate meanings:
- 贼 thief mnemonic change
- 乔 to disguise meaning change: disguise → to disguise
- 乔 to disguise alternate meanings:
- 乔 to disguise mnemonic change
- 粉 powder mnemonic change
- 物 thing alternate meanings:
- 垂 to droop meaning change: droop → to droop
- 垂 to droop alternate meanings:
- 袭 to raid meaning change: raid → to raid
- 袭 to raid alternate meanings:
- 刮 to scrape meaning change: scrape → to scrape
- 刮 to scrape alternate meanings:
- 盯 to stare at meaning change: stare → to stare at
- 盯 to stare at alternate meanings:
stare at
,staring at
,stares at
,stared at
,to stare
- 盯 to stare at mnemonic change
- 汰 to eliminate meaning change: eliminate → to eliminate
- 汰 to eliminate alternate meanings:
,to get rid of
,get rid of
- 汰 to eliminate mnemonic change
- 灼 to scorch meaning change: scorch → to scorch
- 灼 to scorch alternate meanings:
- 嗅 to smell meaning change: sniff → to smell
- 嗅 to smell alternate meanings:
,to sniff
- 嗅 to smell mnemonic change
- 帖 invitation mnemonic change
- 棘 thorn bushes alternate meanings:
thorn bush
- 剖 to cut open meaning change: cut open → to cut open
- 剖 to cut open alternate meanings:
cut open
,cuts open
,cutting open
,to cut
- 剖 to cut open pinyin change: pou3 → pou1
- 剖 to cut open mnemonic change
- 谎 lie alternate meanings:
,to lie
- 谎 lie mnemonic change
- 熬 to stew meaning change: stew → to stew
- 熬 to stew alternate meanings:
- 熬 to stew mnemonic change
- 嫁 to marry meaning change: marry → to marry
- 嫁 to marry alternate meanings:
- 嫁 to marry mnemonic change
- 慎 cautious updated components:
- 慎 cautious mnemonic change
- 媳 daughter-in-law alternate meanings:
daughter in law
,son''s wife
- 拧 to twist meaning change: twist → to twist
- 拧 to twist alternate meanings:
- 拧 to twist mnemonic change
- 抹 to smear meaning change: smear → to smear
- 抹 to smear alternate meanings:
,to wipe
- 抹 to smear mnemonic change
- 喷 to spurt alternate meanings:
,to spray
- 轰 to rumble meaning change: rumble → to rumble
- 轰 to rumble alternate meanings:
- 崖 cliff mnemonic change
- 锈 rust alternate meanings:
to rust
- 傲 arrogant updated components:
- 傲 arrogant mnemonic change
- 褐 brown pinyin change: he2 → he4
- 褐 brown mnemonic change
- 旋 to revolve meaning change: revolve → to revolve
- 旋 to revolve alternate meanings:
- 炸 to blow up meaning change: blow up → to blow up
- 炸 to blow up alternate meanings:
blow up
,blowing up
,blows up
,blew up
,to explode
- 筝 kite mnemonic change
- 逮 to arrest mnemonic change
- 沸 to boil meaning change: boil → to boil
- 沸 to boil alternate meanings:
- 沸 to boil mnemonic change
- 垮 collapse mnemonic change
- 署 sign mnemonic change
- 赌 to gamble meaning change: gamble → to gamble
- 赌 to gamble alternate meanings:
,to bet
- 赌 to gamble mnemonic change
- 跨 to straddle meaning change: straddle → to straddle
- 跨 to straddle alternate meanings:
- 浮 to float meaning change: float → to float
- 浮 to float alternate meanings:
- 岭 mountain range alternate meanings:
mountain ridge
- 诵 to read aloud meaning change: read aloud → to read aloud
- 诵 to read aloud alternate meanings:
read aloud
,reading aloud
,reads aloud
,to recite
- 盗 thief alternate meanings:
- 耽 to delay meaning change: delay → to delay
- 耽 to delay alternate meanings:
- 闸 sluice gate meaning change: floodgate → sluice gate
- 闸 sluice gate alternate meanings:
sluice gates
,flood gate
,flood gates
- 闸 sluice gate mnemonic change
- 纹 pattern alternate meanings:
- 堪 to endure meaning change: endure → to endure
- 堪 to endure alternate meanings:
,to bear
- 堪 to endure mnemonic change
- 谴 to denounce meaning change: denounce → to denounce
- 谴 to denounce alternate meanings:
,to condemn
- 溃 to burst meaning change: burst → to burst
- 溃 to burst alternate meanings:
- 溃 to burst mnemonic change
- 哺 to feed meaning change: feed → to feed
- 哺 to feed alternate meanings:
- 哺 to feed mnemonic change
- 廓 wide mnemonic change
- 剑 saber alternate meanings:
- 淘 to rinse meaning change: rinse → to rinse
- 淘 to rinse alternate meanings:
,to rinse out
,rinse out
- 腾 to prance meaning change: prance → to prance
- 腾 to prance alternate meanings:
- 滤 to filter meaning change: filter → to filter
- 滤 to filter alternate meanings:
- 滤 to filter mnemonic change
- 艘 boat pinyin change: sao1 → sou1
- 艘 boat mnemonic change
- 缀 to sew meaning change: sew → to sew
- 缀 to sew alternate meanings:
,to stitch
- 魏 Wei updated components:
,grain stalk
- 魏 Wei mnemonic change
- 囱 chimney updated components:
- 囱 chimney mnemonic change
- 磋 to polish meaning change: polish → to polish
- 磋 to polish alternate meanings:
- 磋 to polish mnemonic change
- 盹 nap mnemonic change
- 煽 to fan a fire meaning change: fan a fire → to fan a fire
- 煽 to fan a fire alternate meanings:
fan a fire
,fanning a fire
,fans a fire
,fanned a fire
,to fan the fire
,fan the fire
,fanning the fire
,to fan fire
,fan fire
- 拯 to rescue meaning change: rescue → to rescue
- 拯 to rescue alternate meanings:
,to save
- 拯 to rescue mnemonic change
- 抒 to express meaning change: express → to express
- 抒 to express alternate meanings:
- 抒 to express mnemonic change
- 崛 to rise abruptly meaning change: rise abruptly → to rise abruptly
- 崛 to rise abruptly alternate meanings:
rise abruptly
,rises abruptly
,risen abruptly
,rose abruptly
,rising abruptly
,to abruptly rise
,abruptly rise
,to rise
- 竣 to complete meaning change: complete → to complete
- 竣 to complete alternate meanings:
,to finish
- 竣 to complete mnemonic change
- 粤 Guangdong alternate meanings:
Newly added
- 过火 to go too far examples change
- 送行 send off examples change
- 火腿 ham examples change
- 漂浮 to float meaning change: float → to float
- 漂浮 to float alternate meanings:
- 漂浮 to float mnemonic change
- 外语 foreign language examples change
- 炸弹 bomb mnemonic change
- 旋转 to rotate meaning change: rotate → to rotate
- 旋转 to rotate alternate meanings:
,to revolve
- 旋转 to rotate mnemonic change
- 殿堂 palace hall examples change
- 住宅 dwelling examples change
Newly added
- 海鸥 seagull
- 手肘 elbow
- 蝙蝠 bat
- 侠义 chivalry
- 蝙蝠侠 Batman
- 褐色 brown
- 鲸鱼 whale
- 蓝鲸 blue whale
- 蜘蛛 spider
- 菠菜 spinach
- 轰动 to cause a sensation
- 轰炸 to bomb
- 挥霍 to squander
- 霍乱 cholera
- 妥协 to compromise
- 妥善 proper
- 枚举 to enumerate
- 不可枚举 innumerable
- 盯梢 to tail
- 辽远 distant
- 辽阔 vast
- 受贿 to accept bribes
- 生锈 to rust
- 不锈钢 stainless steel
- 门槛 threshold
- 大蒜 garlic
- 花纹 decorative pattern
- 指纹 fingerprint
- 电话亭 phone booth
- 嫁妆 dowry
- 改嫁 to remarry
- 说谎 to lie
- 谎言 lie
- 陌生 unfamiliar
- 陌生人 stranger
- 公钥 public key
- 私钥 private key
- 泥潭 mire
- 涡轮 turbine
- 哺乳 to breastfeed
- 哺乳动物 mammal
- 河畔 riverside
- 湖畔 lakeside
- 树蛙 tree frog
- 舵手 helmsman
- 粤语 Cantonese language
- 丝帕 silk handkerchief
- 手帕 handkerchief
- 垂直 vertical
- 垂死 dying
- 澳门 Macau
- 澳洲 Australia
- 陡坡 steep slope
- 熬夜 to stay up late
- 赌窟 gambling den
- 贫民窟 slum
- 乔装 to disguise
- 鬼魂 ghost
- 灵魂 soul
- 肃穆 solemn
- 穆斯林 Muslim
- 滤器 filter
- 过滤 to filter
- 磋商 to consult
- 麻痹 paralysis
- 黏土 clay
- 动荡 unstable
- 把柄 handle
- 笑柄 laughingstock
- 四肢 four limbs
- 杭州 Hangzhou
- 祖坟 ancestral tomb
- 吹口哨 to whistle
- 竖琴 harp
- 竖立 to erect
- 背诵 to recite
- 阀门 valve
- 拯救 to rescue
- 灼热 scorching hot
- 歹徒 evildoer
- 内馅 filling
- 肉馅 meat filling
- 纯粹 pure
- 秩序 order
- 爵位 noble rank
- 公爵 duke
- 浮萍 duckweed
- 翠绿 emerald green
- 禅师 Zen master
- 禅杖 Buddhist monk’s staff
- 山岭 mountain range
- 分水岭 watershed
- 航厦 airport terminal
- 大厦 tall building
- 图钉 thumbtack
- 钉子 nail
- 媳妇 daughter-in-law
- 弟媳 younger brother’s wife
- 解剖 to dissect
- 剖开 to cut open
- 淘米 to rinse rice
- 淘金 to pan for gold
- 淘汰 to eliminate
- 嫩肉 tender meat
- 沸点 boiling point
- 沸腾 to boil
- 热腾腾 steaming hot
- 聋哑 deaf-mute
- 请柬 invitation
- 流氓 hoodlum
- 煽动 to incite
- 拧开 to twist open
- 拧上 to screw on
- 确保 to ensure
- 铝锅 aluminum pot
- 嗅觉 sense of smell
- 奢侈 extravagant
- 奢望 extravagant hope
- 窟窿 hole
- 彼此 each other
- 彼时 at that time
- 大纲 outline
- 纲领 program
- 仓库 warehouse
- 粮仓 granary
- 击剑 fencing
- 剑客 swordsman
- 耽误 to delay
- 敞开 to open wide
- 宽敞 spacious
- 虐待 to maltreat
- 暴虐 brutal
- 警惕 vigilant
- 暮色 twilight
- 矢量 vector
- 矢口 flatly
- 蔓延 to spread
- 棘手 thorny
- 珊瑚 coral
- 珊瑚礁 coral reef
- 礁石 reef
- 后缀 suffix
- 前缀 prefix
- 充沛 abundant
- 绯闻 scandal
- 竣工 to be completed
- 打盹 to take a nap
- 抄袭 to plagiarize
- 空袭 air raid
- 灰尘 dust
- 尘土 dust
- 独霸 to monopolize
- 吃霸王餐 to dine and dash
- 庞大 huge
- 脸庞 face
- 猫头鹰 owl
- 老鹰 eagle
- 毅然 resolutely
- 毅力 willpower
- 盗贼 thief
- 孝敬 to show filial respect
- 孝子 filial son
- 嫂子 elder brother’s wife
- 嫂嫂 elder brother’s wife
- 悬崖 precipice
- 山崖 cliff
- 停滞 to stagnate
- 滞后 to lag behind
- 身躯 human body
- 山寨 knockoff
- 天谴 divine punishment
- 谴责 to denounce
- 手腕 wrist
- 大腕 big shot
- 缅甸 Myanmar
- 伊甸园 Garden of Eden
- 伊朗 Iran
- 伊人 that person
- 缅怀 to cherish the memory of
- 逾期 to be overdue
- 不可逾越 insurmountable
- 婉拒 to politely decline
- 委婉 tactful
- 开膛 to disembowel
- 阔绰 extravagant
- 绰号 nickname
- 赃物 stolen goods
- 分赃 to divide the spoils
- 鳄梨 avocado
- 击溃 to rout
- 轿子 sedan chair
- 跳槽 to switch jobs
- 丝绸 silk fabric
- 蜘蛛网 spider web
- 跨国 multinational
- 刮痕 scrape
- 英亩 acre
- 沉甸甸 heavy
- 发芽 to sprout
- 豆芽 bean sprouts
- 枉法 to pervert the law
- 枉然 in vain
- 崛起 to rise abruptly
- 抒写 to express in writing
- 抒情诗 lyric poetry
- 船闸 canal lock
- 伦理 ethics
- 绝伦 unparalleled
- 生肖 Chinese zodiac sign
- 不肖 unworthy
- 逮捕 to arrest
- 厌倦 to be tired of
- 棕色 brown
- 棕树 palm tree
- 蜻蜓 dragonfly
- 埃及 Egypt
- 护膝 kneepad