A minor bug where the retention rate displayed in the Review Summary does not match the rest of the information presented. In the provided screenshot it reports a 99% rate however no incorrect items.
Low impact. Slight user confusion when this edge case is triggered, however.
I believe this is arrived at by the performing the following flow during reviews:
Answer item incorrectly during review
Skip item you just answered incorrectly
How I Get Here
Because I personally do not use mnemonics for the character recongition and meaning I have been skipping the character components after having them in the reviews for several days. For example, I might run into the Ceremonial Mace item and forget what it is called or call it something a little bit wrong. Then I’m like "alright I’m going to just skip this because it’s not really important for my workflow in particular.
Interesting. Thanks for the report. Might be related to floating point division as well.
Tangentially, since you mentioned you don’t use the character mnemonics that much, do you use or get use out of the mnemonics/explanations for the words?
I find that short and sweet ones help me a lot (generally for Words).
For example, the word 恶意.
You have 恶意 malice if you have the 意 idea to do something 恶 evil to someone else.
When there are more complicated mnemonics however, I tend to just skip reading them entirely because I feel like it’s more work for me to use them than just to simply remember what the meaning/reading is. I think a lot of the times this is the case for Characters rather than Words.
I was expecting that as I learned more and more characters there might be a point at which using the mnemonics would be helpful but I haven’t reached that point yet.
For example, the mnemonic for 恶 is not particularly helpful for me (but to be honest I hadn’t read it before now just because I felt like I could just remember most of the character information for it right off the bat):
[_-] Master Chief is in the [4] bathroom of the [-e] electricity plant, fending off an invasion of 恶 evil 心 hearts. They have set up an electrified 亚 portal at the far side of the bathroom and keep on invading in large waves. Master Chief shoots them down as they come in and try to infest the plant with their 恶 evil.
Perhaps it could help with writing the characters because you also memorize components. That being said, I’m having decent success writing on paper as I go through my lessons and reviews.
Where Hanzi Hero is brining me the most value is taking a lot of the logistics out of planning lessons for myself and giving myself a direction. I know as long as I put in the work that is asked of me each day I am going to be making good progress. I also really enjoy reading the examples on the more complex words and phrases so I understand how they can be used in speech.