Monday May 20th 2024 Simplified Curriculum Update



  • 则 rule alternate meanings: rules, regulation

  • 淡 mild meaning change: thin → mild

  • 淡 mild alternate meanings: thin

  • 淡 mild mnemonic change

  • 染 dye alternate meanings: to dye, dyed, dyes

  • 迅 rapid meaning change: speed → rapid

  • 迅 rapid alternate meanings: rapidly, speed, fast

  • 迅 rapid mnemonic change

  • 逃 escape alternate meanings: to escape, escaping, flee

  • 败 fail alternate meanings: to fail, failed, fails, failing, defeat

  • 肯 agree alternate meanings: to agree, agreed, agrees

  • 浓 concentrated alternate meanings: concentrate, thick, dense

  • 冲 charge meaning change: collide → charge

  • 冲 charge alternate meanings: to charge, charges, charged, charging, collide, collided, collides

  • 冲 charge mnemonic change

  • 难 difficult alternate meanings: difficulty, difficulties

  • 授 confer alternate meanings: to confer, to give, give, confers

  • 构 construct alternate meanings: to construct, constructing, constructs

  • 替 replace alternate meanings: to replace, replaced, to substitute, substitute

  • 协 cooperate alternate meanings: to cooperate, cooperating, cooperates, cooperatively

  • 丈 Chinese yard alternate meanings: Chinese yards, yard, yards, zhang

  • 年 year alternate meanings: years

  • 居 reside alternate meanings: to reside, resides, residence, house

  • 料 material meaning change: stuff → material

  • 料 material alternate meanings: materials, stuff

  • 料 material mnemonic change

  • 统 unite alternate meanings: to unite, unites, united

  • 尊 respect meaning change: venerate → respect

  • 尊 respect alternate meanings: to respect, respecting, venerate, venerates, venerating

  • 尊 respect mnemonic change

  • 登 mount meaning change: ascend → mount

  • 登 mount alternate meanings: to mount, mounts, mounted, ascend, to ascend, ascends, ascending

  • 登 mount mnemonic change

  • 绝 cut off meaning change: discontinue → cut off

  • 绝 cut off alternate meanings: to cut off, cuts off, discontinue, discontinued

  • 绝 cut off mnemonic change

  • 宁 peaceful meaning change: calm → peaceful

  • 宁 peaceful alternate meanings: calm, tranquil

  • 宁 peaceful mnemonic change

  • 毕 complete alternate meanings: to complete, completes, completed, completing, finish

  • 扬 hoist alternate meanings: to hoist, to raise, raise, hoists, hoisted, hosting

  • 扩 enlarge alternate meanings: to enlarge, expand, enlarging, enlarged, enlarges

  • 析 analyze alternate meanings: to analyze, analyzed, analyzes, analyzing

  • 操 exercise alternate meanings: to exercise, drill, to drill

  • 艰 difficult alternate meanings: difficulty, difficulties

  • 猜 guess alternate meanings: to guess, guessing, guessed

  • 违 violate alternate meanings: to violate, violates, violated, violating, disobey, to disobey

  • 择 select alternate meanings: to select, selects, selected, choose, selecting

  • 闪 flash meaning change: dodge → flash

  • 闪 flash alternate meanings: to flash, flashing, flashes, dodge, dodges, dodging

  • 闪 flash mnemonic change

  • 诊 diagnose alternate meanings: to diagnose, diagnoses, diagnosing, diagnosed, diagnosis

  • 驶 drive alternate meanings: to drive, driving, drives

  • 驾 drive alternate meanings: to drive, driving, drives

Newly added



Newly added