Meaning 去路 is outlet or exit?

Hi all,

去路 is translated here as "outlet’.
When I enter it into google translate and translate it to Dutch, it shows “uitgang”. Which means “exit”.

Is the meaning more like “exit” or is the correct usage, like that of a water outlet / faucet? Or what is the intended usage?

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In English “outlet” can mean ‘way’ or ‘way out’, as in the path forward or out for someone or something. It roughly similar in meaning to “exit”, but not quite.

I’ll add ‘way’ and ‘way out’ as alternate meanings, and also make this more clear with the addition of three new examples:

前方 有 一 塊 巨石 擋住 了 我們 的 去路。
A giant rock in front blocked our outlet.

河流 的 去路 被 堵住 了。
The outlet of the river is blocked.

前 無 去路, 後 有 追兵。
There is no outlet in front of us, and behind us is a pursuing army.

These changes will go out in the next curriculum update.

This is an “older” word where we had less examples per word, which I think why it is not sufficiently clear. I hope to go back and increase the number of examples per word for those added earlier on to bring them up to our current standards.

Hope that clears things up. Let me know if you have any other questions.


thanks for explaining!

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