Breaking changes
- removed 恍然 to suddenly realize
This was added last week mistakenly. It is replaced by 恍然大悟 to suddenly realize as that was what was originally intended to be added.
- 若 as if alternate meanings:
- 是 to be alternate meanings:
- 脂 fat meaning change: grease → fat
- 脂 fat alternate meanings:
- 脂 fat mnemonic change
- 赠 to gift alternate meanings:
,to give as a present
,give as a present
- 坠 to fall meaning change: drop → to fall
- 坠 to fall alternate meanings:
,to drop
- 坠 to fall mnemonic change
- 亲 relative alternate meanings:
- 搏 to wrestle meaning change: wrestle → to wrestle
- 搏 to wrestle alternate meanings:
- 萌 bud alternate meanings:
to bud
- 萌 bud mnemonic change
- 戚 relative meaning change: kin → relative
- 戚 relative alternate meanings:
- 戚 relative mnemonic change
- 蔑 to disdain meaning change: disdain → to disdain
- 蔑 to disdain alternate meanings:
- 蔑 to disdain mnemonic change
- 雹 hail alternate meanings:
- 熄 to extinguish meaning change: extinguish → to extinguish
- 熄 to extinguish alternate meanings:
- 熄 to extinguish mnemonic change
- 撞 to bump into meaning change: bump into → to bump into
- 撞 to bump into alternate meanings:
bump into
,bumps into
,bumped into
,bumping into
,to bump against
,bump against
,to run into
,run into
- 撼 to shake meaning change: shake → to shake
- 撼 to shake alternate meanings:
- 逆 to go against meaning change: go against → to go against
- 逆 to go against alternate meanings:
go against
,goes against
,going against
,went against
- 衍 to develop meaning change: develop → to develop
- 衍 to develop alternate meanings:
- 衍 to develop mnemonic change
- 憋 to hold back meaning change: suppress → to hold back
- 憋 to hold back alternate meanings:
hold back
,holding back
,holds back
,holded back
,to hold in
,hold in
,to suppress
- 憋 to hold back mnemonic change
- 筛 sieve meaning change: sift → sieve
- 筛 sieve alternate meanings:
to sift
- 筛 sieve mnemonic change
- 佑 to bless meaning change: bless → to bless
- 佑 to bless alternate meanings:
- 侍 to serve meaning change: serve → to serve
- 侍 to serve alternate meanings:
- 侍 to serve mnemonic change
- 伏 to bend over meaning change: bend over → to bend over
- 伏 to bend over alternate meanings:
bend over
,bends over
,bending over
,bent over
,to lean over
,lean over
- 伏 to bend over mnemonic change
- 伐 to fell meaning change: fell → to fell
- 伐 to fell alternate meanings:
,to cut down
,cut down
- 伐 to fell mnemonic change
- 捞 to dredge up meaning change: dredge up → to dredge up
- 捞 to dredge up alternate meanings:
dredge up
,dredging up
,dredged up
,dredges up
,to dredge
- 捞 to dredge up mnemonic change
- 誓 vow alternate meanings:
,to vow
- 剥 to peel meaning change: peel → to peel
- 剥 to peel alternate meanings:
- 剥 to peel mnemonic change
- 噪 to chirp meaning change: chirp → to chirp
- 噪 to chirp alternate meanings:
,to tweet
- 噪 to chirp mnemonic change
- 绣 embroidery alternate meanings:
to embroider
- 垦 to reclaim land meaning change: reclaim land → to reclaim land
- 垦 to reclaim land alternate meanings:
reclaim land
,reclaiming land
,reclaims land
,reclaimed land
,to reclaim
,land reclamation
- 垦 to reclaim land mnemonic change
- 卿 minister alternate meanings:
,high-ranking official
- 覆 to overturn meaning change: overturn → to overturn
- 覆 to overturn alternate meanings:
,to turn over
,turn over
- 斜 slanting alternate meanings:
to slant
- 矩 square alternate meanings:
carpenter''s square
,square ruler
- 敷 to apply meaning change: apply → to apply
- 敷 to apply alternate meanings:
- 敷 to apply mnemonic change
- 溢 to overflow meaning change: overflow → to overflow
- 溢 to overflow alternate meanings:
- 骤 to trot meaning change: trot → to trot
- 骤 to trot alternate meanings:
- 骤 to trot mnemonic change
- 毁 to destroy meaning change: ruin → to destroy
- 毁 to destroy alternate meanings:
,to ruin
- 毁 to destroy mnemonic change
- 湘 Hunan alternate meanings:
Hunan province
- 掰 to break off meaning change: break off → to break off
- 掰 to break off alternate meanings:
break off
,breaks off
,breaking off
,broke off
,to break up
,break up
- 掰 to break off mnemonic change
- 凑 to gather together meaning change: gather together → to gather together
- 凑 to gather together alternate meanings:
gather together
,gathers together
,gathering together
,gathered together
,to get together
,get together
,to gather
- 迭 to alternate meaning change: alternate → to alternate
- 迭 to alternate alternate meanings:
- 啃 to nibble meaning change: nibble → to nibble
- 啃 to nibble alternate meanings:
,to gnaw
- 啃 to nibble mnemonic change
- 馈 to gift meaning change: gift → to gift
- 馈 to gift alternate meanings:
,to give as a present
,give as a present
- 馈 to gift mnemonic change
- 瞩 to gaze meaning change: gaze → to gaze
- 瞩 to gaze alternate meanings:
- 瞩 to gaze mnemonic change
- 呛 to choke meaning change: choke → to choke
- 呛 to choke alternate meanings:
- 呛 to choke mnemonic change
- 驮 to carry on the back meaning change: carry on the back → to carry on the back
- 驮 to carry on the back alternate meanings:
carry on the back
,carries on the back
,carried on the back
,carrying on the back
,to carry by back
,carry by back
,to carry on back
,carry on back
,to carry
- 驮 to carry on the back mnemonic change
Newly added
- removed 恍然 to suddenly realize
- 东方 the East mnemonic change
- 不宜 unsuitable examples change
- 皇帝 emperor examples change
Newly added
- 恍然大悟 to suddenly realize
- 乙级 Level B
- 翻来覆去 to toss and turn
- 覆盖 to cover
- 皆知 everyone knows
- 皆是 are all
- 敷药 to apply medicine
- 衍生 to give rise to
- 敷衍 perfunctory
- 祈福 to pray for blessings
- 啃老 to live off one’s parents
- 伐木工人 lumberjack
- 发誓 to vow
- 誓言 vow
- 博士 doctor
- 博客 blog
- 博物馆 museum
- 盈利 profit
- 轻盈 lithe
- 猫咪 cat
- 脂肪 fat
- 树脂 resin
- 歼灭 to annihilate
- 全歼 to completely annihilate
- 迭起 to arise repeatedly
- 不迭 incessantly
- 下坠 to fall
- 自毁 to self-destruct
- 坠毁 to crash
- 噪音 noise
- 蝉噪 cicada chirping
- 矩阵 matrix
- 打捞 to salvage
- 大海捞针 to fish a needle from the sea
- 轻蔑 disdainful
- 康熙 Kangxi
- 熙熙攘攘 bustling
- 筛子 sieve
- 筛选 to sift through
- 分斤掰两 to haggle over every penny
- 掰开 to break apart
- 垦荒 to reclaim wasteland
- 开垦 to cultivate land
- 保佑 to bless
- 相撞 to collide
- 撞击 to ram
- 浩瀚 vast
- 沪语 Shanghainese
- 沪剧 Shanghai opera
- 侍候 to wait on
- 渣子 residue
- 人渣 scumbag
- 废渣 waste residue
- 馈赠 to gift
- 反馈 feedback
- 举世瞩目 to attract worldwide attention
- 苏醒 to regain consciousness
- 洋溢 to brim with
- 逆流 to go against the current
- 暴风骤雨 violent storm
- 吴语 Wu Chinese
- 吴国 Wu state
- 斜坡 slope
- 斜线 slash
- 憋气 to hold one’s breath
- 呛到 to choke on
- 国务卿 Secretary of State
- 犀牛 rhinoceros
- 匕首 dagger
- 茉莉 jasmine
- 摇撼 to shake
- 撼天动地 earth-shaking
- 主旨 gist
- 旨在 to aim to
- 脉搏 pulse
- 曹操 Cao Cao
- 捣乱 to cause trouble
- 捣碎 to pound to pieces
- 血缘 blood ties
- 无缘无故 without cause or reason
- 埋伏 to lie in ambush
- 亲戚 relative
- 糙米 brown rice
- 粗糙 rough
- 贱卖 to sell cheaply
- 刺绣 embroidery
- 湘绣 Hunan embroidery
- 冰雹 hail
- 枫糖浆 maple syrup
- 紧凑 compact