Breaking changes
- 挨 to suffer pinyin change: ai2 → ai1
- 聘 to engage pinyin change: pin4 → ping4
- 嚷 to shout pinyin change: rang1 → rang3
These have been updated to reflect standard Taiwanese Mandarin pronunciation. They will be reset for all who have previously learned them.
- 卓 outstanding meaning change: eminent → outstanding
- 卓 outstanding alternate meanings:
- 卓 outstanding mnemonic change
- 姿 posture meaning change: looks → posture
- 姿 posture alternate meanings:
- 姿 posture mnemonic change
- 功 achievement alternate meanings:
- 劇 drama alternate meanings:
- 爾 thus alternate meanings:
- 呵 to berate meaning change: berate → to berate
- 呵 to berate alternate meanings:
- 昧 dim meaning change: conceal → dim
- 昧 dim alternate meanings:
,to conceal
,to hide
- 昧 dim mnemonic change
- 栽 to plant meaning change: grow → to plant
- 栽 to plant alternate meanings:
,to grow
- 栽 to plant mnemonic change
- 赴 to go to meaning change: attend → to go to
- 赴 to go to alternate meanings:
go to
,going to
,goes to
,gone to
,to attend
- 赴 to go to mnemonic change
- 惰 lazy meaning change: indolent → lazy
- 惰 lazy alternate meanings:
- 惰 lazy mnemonic change
- 怖 to be scared meaning change: fear → to be scared
- 怖 to be scared alternate meanings:
be scared
,is scared
,to fear
- 怖 to be scared mnemonic change
- 扛 to carry on the shoulder meaning change: carry on the shoulder → to carry on the shoulder
- 扛 to carry on the shoulder alternate meanings:
carry on the shoulder
,carries on the shoulder
,carried on the shoulder
,carrying on the shoulder
,to carry on one''s shoulder
,carry on one''s shoulder
,to shoulder
,to carry
- 扛 to carry on the shoulder mnemonic change
- 顫 to tremble meaning change: tremble → to tremble
- 顫 to tremble alternate meanings:
,to shake
- 顫 to tremble mnemonic change
- 宏 great meaning change: magnificent → great
- 宏 great alternate meanings:
- 宏 great mnemonic change
- 娶 to take a wife meaning change: marry → to take a wife
- 娶 to take a wife alternate meanings:
take a wife
,took a wife
,takes a wife
,taking a wife
,to marry
,to marry a woman
,marry a woman
- 娶 to take a wife mnemonic change
- 揪 to hold tight meaning change: hold tight → to hold tight
- 揪 to hold tight alternate meanings:
hold tight
,hold tightly
,holds tight
,holds tightly
,holding tight
,holding tightly
- 伍 squad of five meaning change: five → squad of five
- 伍 squad of five alternate meanings:
five-man squad
,five soldiers
,five-man unit
- 伍 squad of five mnemonic change
- 摧 to destroy meaning change: destroy → to destroy
- 摧 to destroy alternate meanings:
- 摧 to destroy mnemonic change
- 吻 to kiss meaning change: kiss → to kiss
- 吻 to kiss alternate meanings:
- 吻 to kiss mnemonic change
- 晰 clear meaning change: distinct → clear
- 晰 clear alternate meanings:
- 晰 clear mnemonic change
- 喘 to gasp meaning change: gasp → to gasp
- 喘 to gasp alternate meanings:
,to pant
- 挨 to suffer pinyin change: ai2 → ai1
- 挨 to suffer mnemonic change
- 聘 to engage pinyin change: pin4 → ping4
- 聘 to engage mnemonic change
- 趴 to lie prone meaning change: prostrate → to lie prone
- 趴 to lie prone alternate meanings:
lie prone
,lies prone
,lying prone
,lied prone
,to prone
,to prostrate
- 趴 to lie prone mnemonic change
- 燥 dry meaning change: parched → dry
- 燥 dry alternate meanings:
- 燥 dry mnemonic change
- 納 to receive meaning change: receive → to receive
- 納 to receive alternate meanings:
- 勃 vigorous alternate meanings:
- 繳 to hand over meaning change: hand over → to hand over
- 繳 to hand over alternate meanings:
hand over
,hands over
,handed over
,handing over
,to hand in
,hand in
- 繳 to hand over mnemonic change
- 劈 to split meaning change: split → to split
- 劈 to split alternate meanings:
- 劈 to split mnemonic change
- 嚷 to shout meaning change: shout → to shout
- 嚷 to shout alternate meanings:
,to yell
- 嚷 to shout pinyin change: rang1 → rang3
- 嚷 to shout mnemonic change
- 蓬 disheveled mnemonic change
- 闡 to expound meaning change: expound → to expound
- 闡 to expound alternate meanings:
,to explain
,to explicate
- 毆 to beat up meaning change: hit → to beat up
- 毆 to beat up alternate meanings:
beat up
,beats up
,beating up
,to beat
,to hit
- 毆 to beat up mnemonic change
- 謬 erroneous meaning change: wrong → erroneous
- 謬 erroneous alternate meanings:
- 謬 erroneous mnemonic change
- 旗 flag alternate meanings:
- 撕 to tear meaning change: rip → to tear
- 撕 to tear alternate meanings:
,to rip
- 撕 to tear mnemonic change
- 勘 to survey meaning change: survey → to survey
- 勘 to survey alternate meanings:
- 勘 to survey mnemonic change
- 馳 to gallop meaning change: gallop → to gallop
- 馳 to gallop alternate meanings:
- 艘 boat alternate meanings:
- 唬 to bluff meaning change: bluff → to bluff
- 唬 to bluff alternate meanings:
- 唬 to bluff mnemonic change
- 揍 to beat meaning change: beat → to beat
- 揍 to beat alternate meanings:
,to beat up
,beat up
- 揍 to beat mnemonic change
- 閡 to obstruct meaning change: block → to obstruct
- 閡 to obstruct alternate meanings:
,to block
- 閡 to obstruct mnemonic change
- 淌 to drip meaning change: drip → to drip
- 淌 to drip alternate meanings:
- 淌 to drip mnemonic change
- 拎 to lift with one’s hand meaning change: lift → to lift with one’s hand
- 拎 to lift with one’s hand alternate meanings:
lift with one''s hand
,lifting with one''s hand
,lifted with one''s hand
,lifts with one''s hand
,to lift
- 拎 to lift with one’s hand mnemonic change
- 酥 shortbread alternate meanings:
- 酥 shortbread mnemonic change
- 媲 to rival meaning change: compare favorably → to rival
- 媲 to rival alternate meanings:
,to compare favorably with
,compare favorably with
,to compare favorably
,compare favorably
,compares favorably
,favorably compare
- 媲 to rival mnemonic change
- 渝 to change meaning change: change → to change
- 渝 to change alternate meanings:
- 上次 last time alternate meanings:
last occurrence
,previous time
,previous occurrence
- 顧問 adviser examples change
- 篩選 to sift through examples change
Newly added
- 有條不紊 methodical
- 聘請 to engage
- 功勛 contribution
- 紛爭 dispute
- 蒙受 to suffer
- 手拎包 handbag
- 不渝 unchanging
- 媲美 to rival
- 浙江 Zhejiang
- 弘揚 to carry forward
- 伺候 to wait upon
- 接納 to admit
- 容納 to hold
- 昔日 in former days
- 劈開 to split open
- 疆域 territory
- 邊疆 frontier
- 恐怖 terrifying
- 恐怖片 horror movie
- 栽植 to plant
- 盆栽 potted plant
- 挨揍 to suffer a beating
- 挨餓 to suffer from hunger
- 勘查 to survey
- 繳費 to pay a fee
- 繳械 to disarm
- 叫嚷 to shout
- 親吻 to kiss
- 吻別 to kiss goodbye
- 獨棟 detached
- 呵斥 to berate
- 乾燥 dry
- 冷凍乾燥 to freeze-dry
- 花卉 flowers
- 荊棘 brambles
- 要嘛 either or
- 揪心 to be worried
- 爾後 thereafter
- 高爾夫球 golf
- 東夷 Eastern Barbarians
- 夏威夷 Hawaii
- 掐算 to roughly calculate
- 五艘 five boats
- 獨酌 to drink alone
- 坐姿 sitting posture
- 姿勢 posture
- 奸臣 treacherous official
- 漢奸 traitor to China
- 隔閡 barrier
- 淌血 to drip blood
- 淌下 to drip down
- 粵劇 Guangdong opera
- 面面俱到 to cover everything
- 唬人 to bluff
- 撕毀 to tear up
- 撕開 to tear open
- 尋釁 to pick a quarrel
- 啟釁 to start a quarrel
- 退伍 to retire from military service
- 隊伍 troops
- 愚昧 ignorant
- 冒昧 to take the liberty of
- 毆打 to beat up
- 扛槍 to shoulder a gun
- 娶妻 to take a wife
- 再娶 to remarry
- 荒謬 absurd
- 謬論 fallacy
- 宏觀 macroscopic
- 懶惰 lazy
- 清晰 clear
- 卓越 outstanding
- 安卓 Android
- 摧毀 to destroy
- 堅不可摧 indestructible
- 顫抖 to tremble
- 鳳梨酥 pineapple cake
- 五彩繽紛 colorful
- 狠心 heartless
- 狠毒 vicious
- 反派 villain
- 全力以赴 to go all out
- 背道而馳 to run counter to
- 闡明 to clarify
- 旗幟 banner
- 智慧 wisdom
- 蓬勃 vigorous
- 轟趴 house party
- 趴下 to lie prone
- 馱獸 beast of burden
- 氣喘 asthma
- 喘息 to gasp for breath