Breaking changes
These have been updated to match standard Mainland Mandarin pronunciation. They will be reset for all who have previously learned them.
- 贮 to store meaning change: store up → to store
- 贮 to store alternate meanings:
,to store up
,store up
,to save up
,save up
,to save
- 贮 to store mnemonic change
- 步 footstep mnemonic change
- 论 theory alternate meanings:
- 兰 orchid alternate meanings:
- 勿 not alternate meanings:
,do not
- 柔 soft meaning change: gentle → soft
- 柔 soft alternate meanings:
- 柔 soft mnemonic change
- 讽 to mock meaning change: mock → to mock
- 讽 to mock alternate meanings:
- 讽 to mock pinyin change: feng4 → feng3
- 讽 to mock mnemonic change
- 拣 to select meaning change: select → to select
- 拣 to select alternate meanings:
,to choose
- 拣 to select mnemonic change
- 亦 also meaning change: likewise → also
- 亦 also alternate meanings:
- 亦 also mnemonic change
- 泊 to moor meaning change: moor → to moor
- 泊 to moor alternate meanings:
,to anchor
- 浇 to water meaning change: sprinkle → to water
- 浇 to water alternate meanings:
,to irrigate
,to sprinkle
- 浇 to water mnemonic change
- 菩 bodhisattva meaning change: Buddha → bodhisattva
- 菩 bodhisattva alternate meanings:
- 菩 bodhisattva mnemonic change
- 遂 to satisfy meaning change: satisfy → to satisfy
- 遂 to satisfy alternate meanings:
,to fulfill
- 遂 to satisfy mnemonic change
- 捏 to pinch meaning change: pinch → to pinch
- 捏 to pinch alternate meanings:
- 诫 to admonish meaning change: to warn → to admonish
- 诫 to admonish alternate meanings:
,to warn
- 诫 to admonish mnemonic change
- 募 to recruit meaning change: recruit → to recruit
- 募 to recruit alternate meanings:
- 徊 to pace back and forth meaning change: hesitate → to pace back and forth
- 徊 to pace back and forth alternate meanings:
pace back and forth
,paced back and forth
,pacing back and forth
,paces back and forth
,to hesitate
- 徊 to pace back and forth mnemonic change
- 兼 simultaneously meaning change: double → simultaneously
- 兼 simultaneously alternate meanings:
- 兼 simultaneously mnemonic change
- 抖 to tremble meaning change: tremble → to tremble
- 抖 to tremble alternate meanings:
,to shake
- 践 to trample meaning change: trample → to trample
- 践 to trample alternate meanings:
- 践 to trample mnemonic change
- 踩 to step on meaning change: step on → to step on
- 踩 to step on alternate meanings:
step on
,stepped on
,stepping on
,steps on
- 缔 to conclude meaning change: conclude → to conclude
- 缔 to conclude alternate meanings:
- 缔 to conclude mnemonic change
- 捧 to hold with both hands meaning change: hold with both hands → to hold with both hands
- 捧 to hold with both hands alternate meanings:
hold with both hands
,holds with both hands
,holding with both hands
,held with both hands
- 徘 to pace back and forth meaning change: hesitate → to pace back and forth
- 徘 to pace back and forth alternate meanings:
pace back and forth
,paced back and forth
,pacing back and forth
,paces back and forth
,to hesitate
- 徘 to pace back and forth mnemonic change
- 涂 to smear meaning change: smear → to smear
- 涂 to smear alternate meanings:
- 叙 to narrate meaning change: narrate → to narrate
- 叙 to narrate alternate meanings:
- 僚 official alternate meanings:
- 僚 official mnemonic change
- 萨 bodhisattva meaning change: sa → bodhisattva
- 萨 bodhisattva alternate meanings:
- 萨 bodhisattva mnemonic change
- 遣 to dispatch meaning change: dispatch → to dispatch
- 遣 to dispatch alternate meanings:
- 叠 to pile up meaning change: pile up → to pile up
- 叠 to pile up alternate meanings:
pile up
,piled up
,piles up
,piling up
,to pile
- 叠 to pile up mnemonic change
- 绑 to tie up meaning change: tie → to tie up
- 绑 to tie up alternate meanings:
tie up
,tied up
,ties up
,tying up
,to bind
,to tie
- 绑 to tie up mnemonic change
- 伺 to wait upon meaning change: wait upon → to wait upon
- 伺 to wait upon alternate meanings:
wait upon
,waits upon
,waiting upon
,to serve
- 魁 chief meaning change: leader → chief
- 魁 chief alternate meanings:
- 魁 chief mnemonic change
- 挪 to move meaning change: move → to move
- 挪 to move alternate meanings:
,to shift
,to transfer
- 挪 to move mnemonic change
- 瞒 to conceal meaning change: conceal → to conceal
- 瞒 to conceal alternate meanings:
,to hide
- 瞒 to conceal mnemonic change
- 淹 to flood meaning change: flood → to flood
- 淹 to flood alternate meanings:
- 淹 to flood mnemonic change
- 捶 to thump meaning change: thump → to thump
- 捶 to thump alternate meanings:
,to pound
- 堕 to fall meaning change: fall → to fall
- 堕 to fall alternate meanings:
,to drop
- 赋 to levy meaning change: levy → to levy
- 赋 to levy alternate meanings:
,to bestow
- 遛 to stroll meaning change: stroll → to stroll
- 遛 to stroll alternate meanings:
,to walk
- 婪 greedy meaning change: avaricious → greedy
- 婪 greedy alternate meanings:
- 婪 greedy mnemonic change
- 赂 to bribe meaning change: bribe → to bribe
- 赂 to bribe alternate meanings:
- 赂 to bribe mnemonic change
- 怯 timid pinyin change: que4 → qie4
- 怯 timid mnemonic change
- 抡 to swing meaning change: swing → to swing
- 抡 to swing alternate meanings:
- 抡 to swing mnemonic change
Newly added
- 休息 to rest mnemonic change
- 彩色 color mnemonic change
- 解析 to analyze mnemonic change
- 面貌 appearance mnemonic change
- 牛粪 cow dung alternate meanings:
cow manure
Newly added
- 惊羡 to marvel at
- 丹麦 Denmark
- 丹心 loyal heart
- 揉眼睛 to rub one’s eyes
- 范畴论 category theory
- 眼馋 to covet
- 窄路 narrow road
- 严谨 rigorous
- 浩劫 catastrophe
- 路障 roadblock
- 温驯 docile
- 他俩 the two of them
- 柏油 asphalt
- 杨树 poplar tree
- 红壤 red soil
- 马粪 horse dung
- 兰屿 Orchid Island
- 糕点 pastry
- 逗号 comma
- 浇水 to water
- 浇水壶 watering can
- 旋涡 whirlpool
- 紫藤 wisteria
- 盛开 to be in full bloom
- 彩绘玻璃 stained glass
- 斩断 to chop off
- 贾人 merchant
- 绑匪 kidnapper
- 绑架 to kidnap
- 践踏 to trample
- 自娱 to amuse oneself
- 抠鼻子 to pick one’s nose
- 攀石墙 climbing wall
- 厄瓜多 Ecuador
- 涂抹 to smear
- 煽动性 inflammatory
- 芥末酱 mustard sauce
- 芥蒂 grudge
- 膳宿学校 boarding school
- 茶匙 teaspoon
- 岔路 side road
- 赵国 Zhao state
- 兼容 to be compatible
- 兼任 to serve concurrently
- 偏僻 remote
- 堕胎 to have an abortion
- 堕入 to fall into
- 乡绅 squire
- 谨防 to beware of
- 告竣 to declare completed
- 拱门 arched door
- 汗津津 sweaty
- 十诫 Ten Commandments
- 告诫 to admonish
- 栏目 column
- 牛栏 cattle pen
- 谍报 intelligence report
- 隐瞒 to conceal
- 不瞒你说 to be honest with you
- 怯场 to have stage fright
- 胆怯 timid
- 反之亦然 vice versa
- 敦促 to sincerely urge
- 伦敦 London
- 堆叠 to pile up
- 叠加 to overlay
- 顺遂 to go smoothly
- 踩踏 to step on
- 泪汪汪 brimming with tears
- 牧师 pastor
- 捶打 to thump
- 捶背 to thump the back
- 淹死 to drown to death
- 遛狗 to walk a dog
- 拾荒 to collect scraps
- 船舶 watercraft
- 贿赂 to bribe
- 柔软 soft
- 温柔 gentle
- 通缉令 order for arrest
- 厢房 side room
- 画廊 art gallery
- 清洁工 cleaner
- 抡拳 to swing one’s fist
- 赁出 to rent out
- 寝具 bedding
- 壁垒 barrier
- 党魁 party chief
- 夺魁 to win a championship
- 缔结 to conclude
- 取缔 to crack down on
- 吹捧 to flatter
- 令人捧腹 to be hilarious
- 发抖 to tremble
- 菩萨 bodhisattva
- 菩提 bodhi
- 披萨 pizza
- 芯片 chip
- 派遣 to dispatch
- 遣返 to repatriate
- 简陋 simple and crude
- 叙旧 to reminisce
- 叙述 to narrate
- 熏陶 to nurture
- 倘若 if
- 捏造 to fabricate
- 捏饺子 to fold dumplings
- 惭愧 ashamed
- 逝世 to pass away
- 流逝 to elapse
- 赋税 taxes
- 田赋 land tax
- 恳求 to entreat
- 贪污 corruption
- 贪婪 greedy
- 大臣 minister
- 徘徊 to pace back and forth
- 招募 to recruit
- 募捐 to solicit contributions
- 缎带 ribbon
- 挪用公款 to embezzle public funds
- 挪威 Norway
- 一缕烟 a wisp of smoke
- 洋甘菊 chamomile
- 分拣 to sort
- 官僚 bureaucrat
- 韵律 poetic meter
- 韵文 verse
- 贮藏 to store
- 地窖 cellar