I first want to say that I’ve thoroughly been enjoying using HH. It’s a great way to build a habit of studying mandarin daily. I’ve seen immense progress after only a few months of learning. I was wondering about the feasibility of introducing 3 new features I’ve been thinking about:
The ability to mark certain items as higher priority on the review list. I noticed I have a hard time with adverbs, so I tend to miss those a lot. It would be nice to have a “Priority List” to hadd items I have a hard time memorizing.
A feature that allows the user to batch items for review. For example, I would consider adding items that have very similar meaning but are written using different characters, or items that have characters that look almost identical. So the user would have to choose the correct item for the specific meaning? Like a multiple choice kind of question.
A more general practice session of all the items meorized so far. I really like the “Extra Study” section to review recently learned items and recent mistakes. But after doing my daily review + lesson, I don’t have much else to do for the day. It would be nice to have an additional section (seperate from SRS) to just play around.
I’m curious to hear what you guys have to say about this. I know adding features takes time, and isn’t always possible depending on your priorities. But it would be nice to see new extensions that make the app more fun for the user. Thank you!
It sounds like the main issues you’re running into are honing in the ones that aren’t sticking too well, differentiating between items that are awfully similar, and having more ways to study (feel free to correct this if I’m wrong)
I think exploring ways to reorder the reviews sounds useful the Priority List is an interesting concept. Overall I agree that there’s not much room to focus in on items beyond the extra study; you just get the batch of reviews each day
For the Extra Study, I think we were floating around the idea of a custom study session, where you could select a batch of learned items to study once more. Opening up ways to review more definitely makes sense when you want to speed-review a certain type/group of items before dealing with native material.
The multiple choice/batch question is an interesting one. I can see it being an effective way to help differentiate similar items if we ever were to implement this, I imagine it’d be a separate extra study mode perhaps. It does seem like a multi-choice question would solve the “differentiating between similar looking/similar sounding” question. I wonder if there’s another way to solve the problem.
Thanks for all the suggestions! We’ll keep these in mind – it helps a lot in deciding what we need to focus on
Yes, that’s correct. Some words are just difficult to recall sometimes. Thanks for taking the time to consider these things. I look forward to seeing how HH evolves overtime!