Friday July 19 2024 Traditional Curriculum Update



  • cloud alternate names: clouds



  • 原 original alternate meanings: originally

  • 埋 bury alternate meanings: to bury, buried

  • 墓 grave alternate meanings: graves

  • 客 guest alternate meanings: visitor

  • 軍 army alternate meanings: armed forces

  • 頻 frequency meaning change: repeatedly → frequency

  • 頻 frequency alternate meanings: frequently, repeatedly, frequent

  • 頻 frequency mnemonic change

  • 賠 compensate alternate meanings: to compensate, compensated, compensates, compensating

  • 研 research meaning change: grind → research

  • 研 research alternate meanings: researching, to research, study, grind, grinding

  • 研 research mnemonic change

  • 葬 bury alternate meanings: to bury, inter, buried, buries, interred

  • 榮 glory alternate meanings: glorious, honor, honour

  • 教 teach alternate meanings: teaches, to teach, teaching, taught

  • 究 research alternate meanings: to research, study

  • 脆 brittle meaning change: fragile → brittle

  • 脆 brittle alternate meanings: fragile

  • 脆 brittle mnemonic change

  • 禽 fowl alternate meanings: birds, bird

  • 睡 sleep alternate meanings: to sleep, sleeps, sleeping

  • 眠 sleep meaning change: slumber → sleep

  • 眠 sleep alternate meanings: to sleep, sleeping, slumber

  • 眠 sleep mnemonic change

  • 鍛 forge alternate meanings: to forge, forging, forges

  • 獸 beast alternate meanings: beasts, animal

  • 諒 forgive alternate meanings: to forgive, forgives, forgiving, forgave, forgiven, excuse

  • 胎 fetus alternate meanings: embryo, fetuses

  • 坡 slope alternate meanings: sloping, slopes

  • 萎 wither alternate meanings: wilt, withers, withering, withered, wilts, wilted

  • 萎 wither mnemonic change

  • 菌 fungus alternate meanings: fungi

  • 欣 happy meaning change: elated → happy

  • 欣 happy alternate meanings: happily, elated, elatedly

  • 欣 happy mnemonic change

  • 歉 apology alternate meanings: to apologize, apologize, apologizing

  • 藏 hide alternate meanings: to hide, hides, hiding, hidden, conceal

  • 肅 solemn alternate meanings: solemnly

  • 橘 tangerine meaning change: orange → tangerine

  • 橘 tangerine alternate meanings: tangerines, orange, mandarin orange

  • 橘 tangerine mnemonic change

  • 賭 gamble alternate meanings: to gamble, gambling, gambles, gambled, bet

  • 踢 kick alternate meanings: to kick, kicks, kicking, kicked

  • 繁 numerous alternate meanings: many

  • 邏 patrol alternate meanings: to patrol, patrols, patrolling

  • 潛 submerge alternate meanings: to submerge, submerged

  • 罷 cease alternate meanings: to cease, ceasing, ceases, ceased, stop

  • 寵 pamper alternate meanings: to pamper, pampers, pampered, pampering, dote on



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