Friday July 12 2024 Traditional Curriculum Update



  • 吉 lucky alternate meanings: auspicious

  • 旁 side mnemonic change

  • 忍 endure alternate meanings: to endure, to bear, bear

  • 欲 desire alternate meanings: to desire, desires, desired

  • 賀 congratulate alternate meanings: to congratulate

  • 堡 fort alternate meanings: fortress

  • 港 harbor meaning change: port → harbor

  • 港 harbor alternate meanings: port

  • 港 harbor mnemonic change

  • 詢 inquire alternate meanings: to inquire, inquiring, inquires, inquired, inquiry, ask, to ask

  • 幅 width of cloth alternate meanings: widths of cloth, width

  • 攝 take a photo alternate meanings: take a picture, take photo, take picture, shoot a photo, shoot photo, shoot a picture, shoot picture, photograph, to photograph

  • 償 repay alternate meanings: to repay, repays, repaying, repayment, pay back

  • 煮 boil alternate meanings: to boil, boils, boiled, boiling, cook

  • 薯 potato alternate meanings: yam, potatoes

  • 蠻 barbaric meaning change: very → barbaric

  • 蠻 barbaric alternate meanings: barbarous, savage, barbarian, very

  • 蠻 barbaric mnemonic change

  • 搶 rob alternate meanings: to rob, robbed, robs, robbing, steal, snatch

  • 壘 rampart meaning change: baseball base → rampart

  • 壘 rampart alternate meanings: ramparts, baseball base, base

  • 壘 rampart mnemonic change

  • 爆 explode alternate meanings: to explode, explodes, exploded, exploding, explosion

  • 鬱 depressed alternate meanings: depression, depressing

  • 傻 stupid alternate meanings: foolish

  • 豔 colorful alternate meanings: color, colourful, colour


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