Breaking changes
伺 is now taught as the more-common ci4/“wait upon” instead of si4/“await”. It will be reset for all who have previously learned it.
如 be like alternate meanings:
is like
,are like
計 calculate alternate meanings:
to calculate
讀 read alternate meanings:
to read
建 build alternate meanings:
to build
競 compete alternate meanings:
to compete
增 increase alternate meanings:
to increase
,to add
贈 to gift meaning change: gift → to gift
贈 to gift alternate meanings:
,give as a present
回 return alternate meanings:
to return
漫 overflow alternate meanings:
to overflow
加 add alternate meanings:
to add
,to increase
答 answer alternate meanings:
to answer
控 control alternate meanings:
to control
統 unite alternate meanings:
to unite
坪 level ground alternate meanings:
even ground
,flat ground
幻 unreal alternate meanings:
not real
孤 orphan alternate meanings:
娛 amusement alternate meanings:
to amuse
赤 crimson alternate meanings:
澆 sprinkle alternate meanings:
to sprinkle
鎖 lock alternate meanings:
to lock
炊 cook alternate meanings:
to cook
豪 unrestrained alternate meanings:
焦 burnt alternate meanings:
to burn
恢 recover alternate meanings:
to recover
摩 rub alternate meanings:
to rub
抹 smear alternate meanings:
to smear
摘 pluck alternate meanings:
to pluck
撤 remove alternate meanings:
to remove
,take away
茄 eggplant alternate meanings:
築 construct alternate meanings:
to construct
歇 rest alternate meanings:
to rest
,take a rest
尿 urine alternate meanings:
,to urinate
,to pee
屁 fart alternate meanings:
慰 console alternate meanings:
to console
,to comfort
挖 dig alternate meanings:
to dig
卵 eggs meaning change: egg → eggs
卵 eggs alternate meanings:
乳 breast alternate meanings:
跪 kneel alternate meanings:
to kneel
盟 alliance alternate meanings:
猛 fierce alternate meanings:
覽 look at alternate meanings:
to look at
,looking at
,looks at
摯 sincere meaning change: earnest → sincere
摯 sincere alternate meanings:
摯 sincere mnemonic change
蜂 bee alternate meanings:
伺 wait upon meaning change: await → wait upon
伺 wait upon alternate meanings:
to wait upon
,waits upon
,waiting upon
伺 wait upon pinyin change: si4 → ci4
伺 wait upon mnemonic change
瓣 petal alternate meanings:
謠 rumor alternate meanings:
挽 pull alternate meanings:
to pull
,to draw
憐 pity alternate meanings:
to pity
灑 sprinkle alternate meanings:
to sprinkle
辱 disgrace mnemonic change
振 vibrate alternate meanings:
to vibrate
陷 pitfall alternate meanings:
惠 favor alternate meanings:
觸 touch alternate meanings:
to touch
蝶 butterfly updated components:
蝶 butterfly mnemonic change
阱 pitfall alternate meanings:
妹妹 younger sister meaning change: little sister → younger sister
妹妹 younger sister alternate meanings:
younger sisters
,little sister
,little sisters
妹妹 younger sister mnemonic change
妹妹 younger sister examples change
補習班 cram school alternate meanings:
cram class
,training course
聯絡 contact alternate meanings:
to contact
培訓班 training course alternate meanings:
training class
,training courses
,training classes
,cram course