Feedback: Make extra review functionality more visible

UX wise its quite hidden that there is an option to do more review. Unless that is a intended feature it would be nice if this button could be colored differently or perhaps some other way could make it clear that there is an option to continue reviewing. Popup is nice but it did take some time for me to figure out to hover it and read that it was possible.


I think the intention here was to make sure one doesn’t feel pressured to whittle down their backlog more if we left it as another color. Having a little “asterisk” on the top-right could maybe alert one more to this functionality though.

But yeah, one neat thing about this feature is that you can effectively “batch” your Reviews by doing them in sets of whatever your number is, e.g. sets of 50. Makes it more manageable if you have a backlog of ~1k :sweat_smile:

Thanks for the feedback!