Breaking changes
- 秤 scale pinyin change: cheng4 → ping2
This brings it in line with the usual Taiwanese Mandarin pronunciation (e.g. in 天秤 which was also added in this update). It will be reset for those who previously learned it.
- 昌 prosperous alternate meanings:
- 冗 superfluous meaning change: extra → superfluous
- 冗 superfluous alternate meanings:
- 冗 superfluous mnemonic change
- 乃 to be meaning change: only then → to be
- 乃 to be alternate meanings:
,only then
- 乃 to be mnemonic change
- 枝 branch meaning change: stick → branch
- 枝 branch alternate meanings:
- 枝 branch mnemonic change
- 吶 to shout meaning change: holler → to shout
- 吶 to shout alternate meanings:
,to yell
,to holler
- 吶 to shout mnemonic change
- 囚 prisoner alternate meanings:
to imprison
- 莊 village meaning change: hamlet → village
- 莊 village alternate meanings:
- 莊 village mnemonic change
- 柔 soft mnemonic change
- 勤 diligent alternate meanings:
- 馨 fragrance meaning change: fragrant → fragrance
- 馨 fragrance alternate meanings:
- 馨 fragrance mnemonic change
- 呀 exclamation meaning change: wow → exclamation
- 呀 exclamation alternate meanings:
,to exclaim
- 呀 exclamation mnemonic change
- 沾 to moisten meaning change: soak → to moisten
- 沾 to moisten alternate meanings:
,to soak
- 沾 to moisten mnemonic change
- 萌 to sprout meaning change: bud → to sprout
- 萌 to sprout alternate meanings:
,to bud
- 萌 to sprout mnemonic change
- 逞 to flaunt meaning change: flaunt → to flaunt
- 逞 to flaunt alternate meanings:
,to show off
,show off
,shows off
,showing off
- 喊 to yell alternate meanings:
,to shout
- 懼 to fear meaning change: fear → to fear
- 懼 to fear alternate meanings:
- 懼 to fear mnemonic change
- 頌 to extol meaning change: extol → to extol
- 頌 to extol alternate meanings:
,to eulogize
,to praise
- 訟 to litigate meaning change: litigate → to litigate
- 訟 to litigate alternate meanings:
,to sue
- 訟 to litigate mnemonic change
- 衡 to weigh meaning change: weigh → to weigh
- 衡 to weigh alternate meanings:
- 糧 provisions alternate meanings:
- 撇 to cast aside meaning change: cast aside → to cast aside
- 撇 to cast aside alternate meanings:
cast aside
,casts aside
,casting aside
,to cast away
,cast away
,to toss aside
,toss aside
- 撇 to cast aside mnemonic change
- 挫 to frustrate meaning change: frustrate → to frustrate
- 挫 to frustrate alternate meanings:
- 螢 firefly alternate meanings:
- 甩 to throw off meaning change: fling → to throw off
- 甩 to throw off alternate meanings:
throw off
,threw off
,throws off
,throwing off
,to fling off
,fling off
,flings off
,to fling
,to shake off
,shake off
- 甩 to throw off mnemonic change
- 貶 to diminish meaning change: devalue → to diminish
- 貶 to diminish alternate meanings:
,to devalue
- 貶 to diminish mnemonic change
- 嗜 to hanker meaning change: hanker → to hanker
- 嗜 to hanker alternate meanings:
,to be fond of
,be fond of
,to have a liking for
,have a linking for
- 嗜 to hanker mnemonic change
- 屠 to slaughter meaning change: slaughter → to slaughter
- 屠 to slaughter alternate meanings:
,to butcher
- 屠 to slaughter mnemonic change
- 躍 to leap alternate meanings:
,to jump
- 蓄 to save up meaning change: save up → to save up
- 蓄 to save up alternate meanings:
save up
,saved up
,saves up
,saving up
,to save
,to store
,to store up
,store up
- 礙 to obstruct meaning change: obstruct → to obstruct
- 礙 to obstruct alternate meanings:
,to hinder
- 擬 to draft meaning change: devise → to draft
- 擬 to draft alternate meanings:
,to draft up
,draft up
,to devise
,to plan
- 擬 to draft mnemonic change
- 踴 to leap meaning change: leap → to leap
- 踴 to leap alternate meanings:
,to jump
- 猶 just like alternate meanings:
just as
,as if
- 饒 to spare meaning change: spare → to spare
- 饒 to spare alternate meanings:
,to forgive
- 秤 scale pinyin change: cheng4 → ping2
- 秤 scale mnemonic change
- 哎 exclamation meaning change: exclaim → exclamation
- 哎 exclamation alternate meanings:
,to exclaim
- 哎 exclamation mnemonic change
- 屯 to stockpile meaning change: stockpile → to stockpile
- 屯 to stockpile alternate meanings:
- 屯 to stockpile mnemonic change
- 澄 clear meaning change: transparent → clear
- 澄 clear alternate meanings:
- 澄 clear mnemonic change
- 膨 to inflate meaning change: inflate → to inflate
- 膨 to inflate alternate meanings:
,to expand
- 膨 to inflate mnemonic change
- 畏 to fear meaning change: afraid → to fear
- 畏 to fear alternate meanings:
- 畏 to fear mnemonic change
- 脹 to swell meaning change: bloat → to swell
- 脹 to swell alternate meanings:
,to expand
,to bloat
- 脹 to swell mnemonic change
- 鳴 to chirp meaning change: tweet → to chirp
- 鳴 to chirp alternate meanings:
,to tweet
- 鳴 to chirp mnemonic change
- 厲 stern meaning change: strict → stern
- 厲 stern alternate meanings:
- 厲 stern mnemonic change
- 駐 to be stationed meaning change: stationed → to be stationed
- 駐 to be stationed alternate meanings:
be stationed
,is stationed
,to station
- 駐 to be stationed mnemonic change
- 騷 to disturb meaning change: disturb → to disturb
- 騷 to disturb alternate meanings:
,to harass
- 摟 to put one’s arm around meaning change: hug → to put one’s arm around
- 摟 to put one’s arm around alternate meanings:
put one''s arm around
,to place one''s arm around
,place one''s arm around
,to wrap one''s arm around
,wrap one''s arm around
,to hug
- 摟 to put one’s arm around mnemonic change
- 狽 legendary wolf meaning change: wolf → legendary wolf
- 狽 legendary wolf alternate meanings:
- 狽 legendary wolf mnemonic change
- 茲 this meaning change: now → this
- 茲 this alternate meanings:
- 茲 this mnemonic change
- 棱 edge mnemonic change
- 嬉 to play meaning change: play → to play
- 嬉 to play alternate meanings:
- 嬉 to play mnemonic change
- 搓 to rub with the hands meaning change: rub with hands → to rub with the hands
- 搓 to rub with the hands alternate meanings:
rub with the hands
,rubbing with the hands
,rubbed with the hands
,to rub with hand
,rub with hand
,to rub with one''s hands
,rub with one''s hands
,to rub
- 拽 to pull meaning change: pull → to pull
- 拽 to pull alternate meanings:
,to drag
- 拽 to pull mnemonic change
- 瞅 to look at meaning change: look at → to look at
- 瞅 to look at alternate meanings:
look at
,looks at
,looked at
,looking at
,to look
,to see
- 澱 sediment alternate meanings:
to form sediment
,form sediment
- 澇 waterlogged meaning change: flood → waterlogged
- 澇 waterlogged alternate meanings:
- 澇 waterlogged mnemonic change
- 抨 to verbally attack meaning change: attack verbally → to verbally attack
- 抨 to verbally attack alternate meanings:
verbally attack
,verbally attacked
,verbally attacks
,verbally attacking
,to attack verbally
,attack verbally
,to criticize
,to attack
- 抨 to verbally attack mnemonic change
- 晤 to meet meaning change: meet → to meet
- 晤 to meet alternate meanings:
- 肇 to cause meaning change: cause → to cause
- 肇 to cause alternate meanings:
,to start
,to begin
,to commence
- 肇 to cause mnemonic change
Newly added
- 同時 simultaneously mnemonic change
- 明知 to be fully aware mnemonic change
Newly added
- 狼狽 in a difficult position
- 衰老 decrepit
- 衰退 to decline
- 烹飪 to cook
- 輪廓 outline
- 酷似 to strongly resemble
- 冷酷無情 cold-hearted
- 障礙 obstacle
- 礙事 to be in the way
- 肇事 to cause an accident
- 肇事者 culprit
- 冗長 long-winded
- 冗員 superfluous staff
- 稜鏡 prism
- 馨香 fragrance
- 牡蠣 oyster
- 牡羊 ram
- 騷亂 riot
- 曙光 first light of dawn
- 虛擬 virtual
- 擬定 to draft
- 澄清 to clarify
- 蝗蟲 locust
- 厲聲 in a stern voice
- 嚴厲 severe
- 莊稼 crops
- 村莊 village
- 守株待兔 to wait for a windfall
- 駐守 to garrison
- 駐華 to be stationed in China
- 搓手 to rub one’s hands
- 搓板 washboard
- 踴躍 to leap
- 晤談 to have a talk
- 會晤 to meet
- 甩掉 to throw off
- 屠殺 to massacre
- 沼澤 swamp
- 通貨膨脹 inflation
- 記憶猶新 to remember vividly
- 猶如 just like
- 嬉笑 to laugh and play
- 昌盛 prosperous
- 屯糧 to stockpile provisions
- 猖狂 savage
- 蓄意 to premeditate
- 儲蓄 to save up
- 共鳴 to resonate
- 耳鳴 tinnitus
- 鳴叫 to chirp
- 險峻 precipitous
- 生拉硬拽 to forcibly drag
- 歌頌 to extol
- 玄機 arcane truth
- 內澇 waterlogging
- 兜售 to peddle
- 兜風 to go for a drive
- 貶值 to depreciate
- 貶義 derogatory meaning
- 逞能 to flaunt one’s ability
- 嘴刁 picky about food
- 誇張 to exaggerate
- 吶喊 to shout
- 洶湧 surging
- 均衡 balanced
- 平衡點 equilibrium point
- 沾濕 to moisten
- 無畏 fearless
- 畏縮 to flinch
- 嗜血 bloodthirsty
- 撐腸拄腹 to be overly full
- 腳蹬子 pedal
- 冤案 case of injustice
- 冤枉 to treat unjustly
- 紐帶 tie
- 念茲在茲 to always keep in mind
- 澱粉 starch
- 沉澱 to settle
- 訴訟 lawsuit
- 求饒 to beg for mercy
- 饒恕 to forgive
- 乃是 to be
- 乃至 and even
- 撇開 to set aside
- 鄧小平 Deng Xiaoping
- 久矣 for a long time
- 挫敗 to foil
- 挫折 setback
- 樞紐 hub
- 畏懼 to fear
- 天秤 balance scale
- 抨擊 to verbally attack
- 螢火蟲 firefly
- 熒光 fluorescence
- 光明磊落 upright
- 樹枝 tree branch
- 囚禁 to imprison
- 囚室 prison cell
- 瞅見 to see
- 千鈞重負 heavy burden
- 牲畜 livestock
- 哎呀 exclamation
- 萌芽 to sprout
- 萌發 to sprout