- 厉 stern meaning change: strict → stern
- 厉 stern alternate meanings:
- 厉 stern mnemonic change
- 冗 superfluous meaning change: extra → superfluous
- 冗 superfluous alternate meanings:
- 冗 superfluous mnemonic change
- 庄 village meaning change: hamlet → village
- 庄 village alternate meanings:
- 庄 village mnemonic change
- 乃 to be meaning change: only then → to be
- 乃 to be alternate meanings:
,only then
- 乃 to be mnemonic change
- 枝 branch meaning change: stick → branch
- 枝 branch alternate meanings:
- 枝 branch mnemonic change
- 呐 to shout meaning change: holler → to shout
- 呐 to shout alternate meanings:
,to yell
,to holler
- 呐 to shout mnemonic change
- 柔 soft mnemonic change
- 勤 diligent alternate meanings:
- 馨 fragrance meaning change: fragrant → fragrance
- 馨 fragrance alternate meanings:
- 馨 fragrance mnemonic change
- 呀 exclamation meaning change: wow → exclamation
- 呀 exclamation alternate meanings:
,to exclaim
- 呀 exclamation mnemonic change
- 沾 to moisten meaning change: soak → to moisten
- 沾 to moisten alternate meanings:
,to soak
- 沾 to moisten mnemonic change
- 碍 to obstruct meaning change: obstruct → to obstruct
- 碍 to obstruct alternate meanings:
,to hinder
- 萌 to sprout meaning change: bud → to sprout
- 萌 to sprout alternate meanings:
,to bud
- 萌 to sprout mnemonic change
- 犹 just like alternate meanings:
just as
,as if
- 逞 to flaunt meaning change: flaunt → to flaunt
- 逞 to flaunt alternate meanings:
,to show off
,show off
,shows off
,showing off
- 喊 to yell alternate meanings:
,to shout
- 惧 to fear meaning change: fear → to fear
- 惧 to fear alternate meanings:
- 惧 to fear mnemonic change
- 搓 to rub with the hands meaning change: rub with hands → to rub with the hands
- 搓 to rub with the hands alternate meanings:
rub with the hands
,rubbing with the hands
,rubbed with the hands
,to rub with hand
,rub with hand
,to rub with one''s hands
,rub with one''s hands
,to rub
- 颂 to extol meaning change: extol → to extol
- 颂 to extol alternate meanings:
,to eulogize
,to praise
- 讼 to litigate meaning change: litigate → to litigate
- 讼 to litigate alternate meanings:
,to sue
- 讼 to litigate mnemonic change
- 衡 to weigh meaning change: weigh → to weigh
- 衡 to weigh alternate meanings:
- 撇 to cast aside meaning change: cast aside → to cast aside
- 撇 to cast aside alternate meanings:
cast aside
,casts aside
,casting aside
,to cast away
,cast away
,to toss aside
,toss aside
- 撇 to cast aside mnemonic change
- 搂 to put one’s arm around meaning change: hug → to put one’s arm around
- 搂 to put one’s arm around alternate meanings:
put one''s arm around
,to place one''s arm around
,place one''s arm around
,to wrap one''s arm around
,wrap one''s arm around
,to hug
- 搂 to put one’s arm around mnemonic change
- 筛 sieve mnemonic change
- 囚 prisoner alternate meanings:
to imprison
- 挫 to frustrate meaning change: frustrate → to frustrate
- 挫 to frustrate alternate meanings:
- 拟 to draft meaning change: devise → to draft
- 拟 to draft alternate meanings:
,to draft up
,draft up
,to devise
,to plan
- 拟 to draft mnemonic change
- 萤 firefly alternate meanings:
- 贬 to diminish meaning change: devalue → to diminish
- 贬 to diminish alternate meanings:
,to devalue
- 贬 to diminish mnemonic change
- 嗜 to hanker meaning change: hanker → to hanker
- 嗜 to hanker alternate meanings:
,to be fond of
,be fond of
,to have a liking for
,have a linking for
- 嗜 to hanker mnemonic change
- 屠 to slaughter meaning change: slaughter → to slaughter
- 屠 to slaughter alternate meanings:
,to butcher
- 屠 to slaughter mnemonic change
- 跃 to leap alternate meanings:
,to jump
- 棱 edge mnemonic change
- 粮 provisions alternate meanings:
- 饶 to spare meaning change: spare → to spare
- 饶 to spare alternate meanings:
,to forgive
- 哎 exclamation meaning change: exclaim → exclamation
- 哎 exclamation alternate meanings:
,to exclaim
- 哎 exclamation mnemonic change
- 屯 to stockpile meaning change: stockpile → to stockpile
- 屯 to stockpile alternate meanings:
- 屯 to stockpile mnemonic change
- 澄 clear meaning change: transparent → clear
- 澄 clear alternate meanings:
- 澄 clear mnemonic change
- 膨 to inflate meaning change: inflate → to inflate
- 膨 to inflate alternate meanings:
,to expand
- 膨 to inflate mnemonic change
- 甩 to throw off meaning change: fling → to throw off
- 甩 to throw off alternate meanings:
throw off
,threw off
,throws off
,throwing off
,to fling off
,fling off
,flings off
,to fling
,to shake off
,shake off
- 甩 to throw off mnemonic change
- 畏 to fear meaning change: afraid → to fear
- 畏 to fear alternate meanings:
- 畏 to fear mnemonic change
- 胀 to swell meaning change: bloat → to swell
- 胀 to swell alternate meanings:
,to expand
,to bloat
- 胀 to swell mnemonic change
- 鸣 to chirp meaning change: tweet → to chirp
- 鸣 to chirp alternate meanings:
,to tweet
- 鸣 to chirp mnemonic change
- 驻 to be stationed meaning change: stationed → to be stationed
- 驻 to be stationed alternate meanings:
be stationed
,is stationed
,to station
- 驻 to be stationed mnemonic change
- 骚 to disturb meaning change: disturb → to disturb
- 骚 to disturb alternate meanings:
,to harass
- 昌 prosperous alternate meanings:
- 狈 legendary wolf meaning change: wolf → legendary wolf
- 狈 legendary wolf alternate meanings:
- 狈 legendary wolf mnemonic change
- 瞅 to look at meaning change: look at → to look at
- 瞅 to look at alternate meanings:
look at
,looks at
,looked at
,looking at
,to look
,to see
- 淀 sediment alternate meanings:
to form sediment
,form sediment
- 兹 this meaning change: now → this
- 兹 this alternate meanings:
- 兹 this mnemonic change
- 拽 to pull meaning change: pull → to pull
- 拽 to pull alternate meanings:
,to drag
- 拽 to pull mnemonic change
- 嬉 to play meaning change: play → to play
- 嬉 to play alternate meanings:
- 嬉 to play mnemonic change
- 蓄 to save up meaning change: save up → to save up
- 蓄 to save up alternate meanings:
save up
,saved up
,saves up
,saving up
,to save
,to store
,to store up
,store up
- 涝 waterlogged meaning change: flood → waterlogged
- 涝 waterlogged alternate meanings:
- 涝 waterlogged mnemonic change
- 抨 to verbally attack meaning change: attack verbally → to verbally attack
- 抨 to verbally attack alternate meanings:
verbally attack
,verbally attacked
,verbally attacks
,verbally attacking
,to attack verbally
,attack verbally
,to criticize
,to attack
- 抨 to verbally attack mnemonic change
- 晤 to meet meaning change: meet → to meet
- 晤 to meet alternate meanings:
- 肇 to cause meaning change: cause → to cause
- 肇 to cause alternate meanings:
,to start
,to begin
,to commence
- 肇 to cause mnemonic change
- 踊 to leap meaning change: leap → to leap
- 踊 to leap alternate meanings:
,to jump
- 踊 to leap mnemonic change
Newly added
- 同时 simultaneously mnemonic change
- 明知 to be fully aware mnemonic change
Newly added
- 狼狈 in a difficult position
- 衰老 decrepit
- 衰退 to decline
- 烹饪 to cook
- 轮廓 outline
- 酷似 to strongly resemble
- 冷酷无情 cold-hearted
- 障碍 obstacle
- 碍事 to be in the way
- 肇事 to cause an accident
- 肇事者 culprit
- 冗长 long-winded
- 冗员 superfluous staff
- 棱镜 prism
- 馨香 fragrance
- 牡蛎 oyster
- 牡羊 ram
- 骚乱 riot
- 曙光 first light of dawn
- 虚拟 virtual
- 拟定 to draft
- 澄清 to clarify
- 蝗虫 locust
- 厉声 in a stern voice
- 严厉 severe
- 庄稼 crops
- 村庄 village
- 守株待兔 to wait for a windfall
- 驻守 to garrison
- 驻华 to be stationed in China
- 搓手 to rub one’s hands
- 搓板 washboard
- 踊跃 to leap
- 晤谈 to have a talk
- 会晤 to meet
- 甩掉 to throw off
- 屠杀 to massacre
- 沼泽 swamp
- 通货膨胀 inflation
- 记忆犹新 to remember vividly
- 犹如 just like
- 嬉笑 to laugh and play
- 昌盛 prosperous
- 屯粮 to stockpile provisions
- 猖狂 savage
- 蓄意 to premeditate
- 储蓄 to save up
- 共鸣 to resonate
- 耳鸣 tinnitus
- 鸣叫 to chirp
- 险峻 precipitous
- 生拉硬拽 to forcibly drag
- 歌颂 to extol
- 玄机 arcane truth
- 内涝 waterlogging
- 兜售 to peddle
- 兜风 to go for a drive
- 贬值 to depreciate
- 贬义 derogatory meaning
- 逞能 to flaunt one’s ability
- 嘴刁 picky about food
- 夸张 to exaggerate
- 呐喊 to shout
- 汹涌 surging
- 均衡 balanced
- 平衡点 equilibrium point
- 沾湿 to moisten
- 无畏 fearless
- 畏缩 to flinch
- 嗜血 bloodthirsty
- 撑肠拄腹 to be overly full
- 脚蹬子 pedal
- 冤案 case of injustice
- 冤枉 to treat unjustly
- 纽带 tie
- 念兹在兹 to always keep in mind
- 淀粉 starch
- 沉淀 to settle
- 诉讼 lawsuit
- 求饶 to beg for mercy
- 饶恕 to forgive
- 乃是 to be
- 乃至 and even
- 撇开 to set aside
- 邓小平 Deng Xiaoping
- 久矣 for a long time
- 挫败 to foil
- 挫折 setback
- 枢纽 hub
- 畏惧 to fear
- 天秤 balance scale
- 抨击 to verbally attack
- 萤火虫 firefly
- 荧光 fluorescence
- 光明磊落 upright
- 树枝 tree branch
- 囚禁 to imprison
- 囚室 prison cell
- 瞅见 to see
- 千钧重负 heavy burden
- 牲畜 livestock
- 哎呀 exclamation
- 萌芽 to sprout
- 萌发 to sprout