Feature request: wrap up review immediately

I love the wrap up review feature and use it frequently since I often get interrupted mid-review. I believe the way it works is it presents any missed cards in succession before exiting. Depending on how my review has gone and the source of my interruption, sometimes this can take more time than I have and I need to bail before I can process all the mistakes. And then my review progress is lost. Would it be possible to offer a “bail immediately” option? Maybe you could click “w” a second time to force exit? And then you could ideally cache the missed cards so they’d show up on the next review with the miss already applied. If that’s not possible for some reason I think it wouldn’t be the worst thing to just throw that initial response away and let them come up fresh again. It would run the risk of overconfidence since you’re more likely to get it right on the next occurrence. But when I need to force exit the review and I lose progress, this occurs on all of the items I’ve seen already anyways.

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Are you hitting the home button in the upper left corner to exit the review? I frequently do this and have never lost progress

Yep I’ve tried that and when I click the home button I see a pop up that warns me I will lose progress. And if I proceed I then see that no review progress has been persisted.

Edit: This is on Chrome on Android. I’m not sure that I’ve tried on desktop.

Edit 2: Just tried again by requesting the desktop site and it’s the same behavior.

The way the “wrap up feature” works is it stops introducing new items so that items that were answered incorrectly, or partly (that is, the “meaning” question was answered, but the “pronunciation” question has not even come up yet) can be fully finished and have their progress saved. This is because we only update the progress in the database for an item when all questions related to it have been answered correctly at least once.

If that’s not possible for some reason I think it wouldn’t be the worst thing to just throw that initial response away and let them come up fresh again.

When a new session is started, the partly answered items will indeed be fresh (the incorrect answers from the previous session would not be saved if the session was not fully wrapped up). So things work this way currently.

I think there might be a misunderstanding. I understand how it currently works (at least I think). I’m saying sometimes when I wrap up I have 4-5 cards left from wrong or partial pronunciation and meaning and I have no time to wrap them up do to life interruptions and I need to exit the browser within a few seconds. I want to be able to exit without completing these remaining few partial items without also losing progress on all the correctly answered questions I’ve completed thus far. Does that make sense? If I have 100 review items, I complete 80 correctly, have 5 incorrect or partial, and 15 remaining that I haven’t gotten to, I’d like to be able to exit within a few clicks without answering anything else and have the 80 that I’ve answered correctly persisted so they don’t show up in my review backlog. Ideally I would see the 20 items I either got partial/wrong or haven’t seen yet in my next review session. As it currently works, if I need to exit without being able to wrap up, nothing is saved and I will still see 100 items in my backlog unless I’m doing something incorrectly.

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That is how it should work today. The only scenario that the fully-completed questions would not be saved is that if you lose internet connection entirely during the review session, but even then we have various indicators (including a pop-up modal if the internet is gone for too long) that should show in the UI when internet connection is lost.

The instant an item is fully answered (all 1-2 questions are completed and the little green success indicator pop-up appears) the quiz UI queues a request to update that specific item on the back-end so its progress is saved.

You can even verify this by making a note of how many items you have when you start (the number on the review button) and answering questions until the first item is completed (green/orange/whatever pop-up indicator shows up). If you close the tab say five seconds later and go back to the dashboard, the number on the review button should be one less than it was before.

Of course, there may be a bug here that is leading to this behavior. I’d double check that things are really happening as you say, it may be that the number of items that are not wrapped up when you close the tab suddenly is greater than you think, hence why the number of reviews left-over being a bit higher than you expect.

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I’m sorry for the noise on this one, I am seeing the correct behavior on exiting review. I had tested this higher up in the thread and saw that when I answered one question and exited it was not reflecting that progress. I’m going to chalk that up to my phone possibly not being in good service. What is the latency like for DB writes to be reflected client side after they complete? Anyway, I tried again this morning but completed 10 items and do see that it’s being reflected in the remaining review. I’ll edit my OP to reflect this.

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Actually something strange I’m seeing is that it seems to only count N-1 items. This is consistent with seeing that a single item didn’t register as complete. Here are sequential screenshots. If I’m reading things correctly it says I’ve answered 10 items and yet I see that I have 76 remaining review items despite starting with 85.

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You would be correct that, in some specific scenarios, it’d be n - 1.

This is due to us supporting go back + undo – if we eagerly updated every item as soon as one entered the correct answer, but then a user decided to either undo or go back + undo, then we would have to put extra contingencies/guards to make sure we aren’t updating it twice :slight_smile:

So an item is “fully answered” when all questions are answered correctly and it is no longer accessible as either the “previous question” or the “current question”. This is when we dispatch to the “queue” to actually update the item.

So, if you tap the “Reveal answer” on the next question and move on to one more question after that, then the last correctly answered item will also be updated, resulting in n = 10 – let me know if this isn’t the case because if so then there may be a bug :+1:

An argument could be made for removing the ability to undo a correct answer, which is the primary reason behind this, though I’ve seen users “self-correct” their reviews when they accidentally undo’d an incorrect answer and, after answering correct, want to undo it so they can store an incorrect attempt on it later on in the quiz. I suppose this could be solved with a “redo” – allowing one to toggle whether they want it wrong or not, and thus making correct answers absolute. Still, I think removing the ability to undo a correct answer may cause inflexibility? I would be curious to hear other’s opinions on this :thinking:

That makes sense - I don’t mind the current behavior in and of itself. Perhaps the biggest cost is just confusion about whether progress is saved at all. When I first started, I exited after one card at some point to test if my progress would be memorialized and saw that it wasn’t. So I concluded that one needed use the full wrap up procedure for results to be saved. It’s not a huge deal in retrospect and seems like most people don’t test like I did and figure it out.


I think the current behavior for updating items (as passed or failed) makes sense. To answer the question of undoing correct answers, I’ve thought about this too since I’ve definitely unintentionally undone answers that I for sure got wrong, but I don’t think there’s much harm in just waiting for it to come back into circulation to then get it wrong at that point lol, but then there’s also the chance you may get it right in the next review! Adding a redo option doesn’t seem entirely necessary.

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Agreed, this can cause some confusion, and the warning we have when you tap on the Home icon doesn’t convey how much progress is incrementally saved. I’m not sure of an immediate solution other than something like 10 out of 11 working items have been saved in the dialog :thinking:

I suppose the main argument against is that it takes up valuable review cycles one can spend answering another question :slight_smile:

Another case for wanting to undo a correct answer is if the typo-forgiveness “bypasses” a wrong answer. e.g. typing a meaning of steep when it’s sleep

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I’ve done exactly this (I think I even posted a screenshot) when I said “million” when it was “billion” and got marked correctly (or the other way around). If possible I’d like to keep the ability to undo correct items but it’s not a hill I’d actively fight for - just nice to have.

Just tell me about what I might lose:

Progress on 1 item(s) will be lost.

Then in the moment I can quickly decide if that X items are worth my time in the situation. It’s also very clear that whatever other reviews I’ve done are not at risk. This message would certainly clear up people thinking the whole queue will be lost etc (which is what I first thought when I started HH). As long as it’s paired with a “use the wrap up feature to not lose any progress at all” etc then your two options are clear (quit now and lose X progress, or use wrap up).