Would that be possible to have the option of mixing new words and new characters while learning ?
Right now i’m on a 10 words 10 characters daily setting, splitted by 5 cards per lessons. New words are somewhat pleasant and easy to learn, new characters are a bit harder and it would be nice to be able to do 2-3 of each per lesson batch in order to smoothen the difficulty.
I think this is something we can look into. I think someone else mentioned wanting something similar.
Just to make sure we aren’t missing anything, can you describe your usual daily lesson flow? Is it two batches of 5 words followed by two batches of 5 characters, vice versa, or some other sequence?
Yes that’s it, two batch of five word and then two batch on 5 characters.
Doing 5 by 5 allow me to not loose my progress if I’m doing them on the go like in the bus.
I would also really appreciate this feature, but for different reason.
When my daily lesson limit is set on the 20, but I am capable of learning only 10 lessons that day I keep learning only words, without any single new character, because for some reason all the words are always being stacked first.
I believe that mixing characters in between new words to learn would be also more natural and easier.
Great point. I’ve had days where I get around this by switching my word limit to 0 and doing one or two sets of 5 characters and then raising it back up if I get the chance to finish
The mixing is straightforward, just one after another. Hopefully this helps with getting to characters/easing the difficulty let me know if you have any other suggestions!
The new mixing feature works perfectly.
I noticed that it now solves another problem present before.
Before the mixing option if you had set up limit of 10 lessons per day with 6 words limit you often got 6 words, 2 radicals, 1 sound and just one single character to learn per day…
Now it all spreads everything so well that in the similar situation I get 3 words, 3 radicals, 3 characters and 1 sound.