Dictionary Items Ordering Request(?)

I added about 200 words to the dictionary today, and gonna be adding a few hundred more (I’m adding in vocab from books that I’m planning to read).
It seems like the learning order for dictionary items is LIFO, or at least not FIFO.

Though, for me, I’d prefer if this could be strictly FIFO. The stuff I added a few days ago (first for current reading) is probably not gonna show up for about a few weeks with the LIFO arrangement.

Is that something that can be adjusted?


Words I added before today are down here.

Words I added today (and I think these are the latest), are up here.

Update #1: It does seem to be LIFO. There are the last ones I entered today.


@admins just wanted to check if this was on the radar :grin: sorry if this comes off as impatient :sweat_smile: it’s totally fine if it’s not on the roadmap

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This is something we discussed a bit. We are still trying to find a good way to implement it, and whether we could make other changes to the UI to make the prioritization order more clear. Perhaps a simple setting dropdown for choosing between FIFO/LIFO is a good idea, across all item types, not just dictionary items.

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