Breaking changes
- 蹈 to tread pinyin change: dao3 → dao4
This brings it in line with standard Taiwanese Mandarin pronunciation. It will be reset for those who previously learnt it.
- 吼 to roar meaning change: roar → to roar
- 吼 to roar alternate meanings:
,to howl
- 貫 to pierce meaning change: pierce → to pierce
- 貫 to pierce alternate meanings:
- 宵 night meaning change: nighttime → night
- 宵 night alternate meanings:
night time
- 宵 night mnemonic change
- 揉 to knead meaning change: knead → to knead
- 揉 to knead alternate meanings:
- 陳 to exhibit meaning change: exhibit → to exhibit
- 陳 to exhibit alternate meanings:
- 陳 to exhibit mnemonic change
- 割 to cut apart meaning change: cut apart → to cut apart
- 割 to cut apart alternate meanings:
cut apart
,cuts apart
,cutting apart
,to cut
- 割 to cut apart mnemonic change
- 巷 alley meaning change: lane → alley
- 巷 alley alternate meanings:
- 巷 alley mnemonic change
- 曰 to say meaning change: sayeth → to say
- 曰 to say alternate meanings:
,to speak
- 叨 to chatter meaning change: talkative → to chatter
- 叨 to chatter alternate meanings:
- 叨 to chatter mnemonic change
- 砌 to lay brick meaning change: lay brick → to lay brick
- 砌 to lay brick alternate meanings:
lay brick
,laid brick
,laying brick
,lays brick
,to lay bricks
,lay bricks
- 旺 prosperous alternate meanings:
- 贖 to redeem meaning change: redeem → to redeem
- 贖 to redeem alternate meanings:
- 贖 to redeem mnemonic change
- 濺 to splatter meaning change: splatter → to splatter
- 濺 to splatter alternate meanings:
,to splash
- 錦 brocade alternate meanings:
- 欽 to admire meaning change: admire → to admire
- 欽 to admire alternate meanings:
- 羨 to envy meaning change: envy → to envy
- 羨 to envy alternate meanings:
,to admire
- 慕 to admire meaning change: admire → to admire
- 慕 to admire alternate meanings:
- 掠 to plunder meaning change: pillage → to plunder
- 掠 to plunder alternate meanings:
,to pillage
- 掠 to plunder mnemonic change
- 誡 to warn meaning change: warn → to warn
- 誡 to warn alternate meanings:
- 劫 to rob meaning change: plunder → to rob
- 劫 to rob alternate meanings:
,to plunder
- 劫 to rob mnemonic change
- 蔽 to cover meaning change: cover → to cover
- 蔽 to cover alternate meanings:
- 蔽 to cover mnemonic change
- 佩 to admire meaning change: admire → to admire
- 佩 to admire alternate meanings:
- 侮 to insult meaning change: insult → to insult
- 侮 to insult alternate meanings:
- 撿 to pick up meaning change: pick up → to pick up
- 撿 to pick up alternate meanings:
pick up
,picks up
,picking up
,picked up
,to collect
,to gather
- 軸 axle alternate meanings:
- 秉 to grasp meaning change: grasp → to grasp
- 秉 to grasp alternate meanings:
,to hold
- 聘 to engage meaning change: engage → to engage
- 聘 to engage alternate meanings:
,to hire
- 聘 to engage mnemonic change
- 榨 to extract meaning change: extract → to extract
- 榨 to extract alternate meanings:
,to press
- 榨 to extract mnemonic change
- 逗 to tease meaning change: tease → to tease
- 逗 to tease alternate meanings:
- 蝕 to corrode meaning change: corrosion → to corrode
- 蝕 to corrode alternate meanings:
,to errode
- 蝕 to corrode mnemonic change
- 辨 to differentiate meaning change: differentiate → to differentiate
- 辨 to differentiate alternate meanings:
- 辨 to differentiate mnemonic change
- 縫 to sew meaning change: sew → to sew
- 縫 to sew alternate meanings:
- 飄 to flutter meaning change: flutter → to flutter
- 飄 to flutter alternate meanings:
- 擱 to put aside meaning change: put aside → to put aside
- 擱 to put aside alternate meanings:
put aside
,puts aside
,putting aside
- 闢 to open up meaning change: open up → to open up
- 闢 to open up alternate meanings:
open up
,opens up
,opening up
,opened up
,to open
- 闢 to open up mnemonic change
- 癱 to be paralyzed meaning change: paralyzed → to be paralyzed
- 癱 to be paralyzed alternate meanings:
be paralyzed
,is paralyzed
- 趁 to take advantage of meaning change: take advantage → to take advantage of
- 趁 to take advantage of alternate meanings:
take advantage of
,takes advantage of
,taking advantage of
,took advantage of
,to take advantage
,take advantage
- 趁 to take advantage of mnemonic change
- 輔 to supplement meaning change: supplement → to supplement
- 輔 to supplement alternate meanings:
- 鑄 to cast metal meaning change: cast metal → to cast metal
- 鑄 to cast metal alternate meanings:
cast metal
,casts metal
,casting metal
,casted metal
,to cast
- 鑄 to cast metal mnemonic change
- 勒 to rein in meaning change: rein in → to rein in
- 勒 to rein in alternate meanings:
rein in
,reins in
,reined in
,reining in
- 勒 to rein in mnemonic change
- 撐 to prop up meaning change: prop up → to prop up
- 撐 to prop up alternate meanings:
prop up
,propping up
,props up
,propped up
- 藉 to borrow meaning change: borrow → to borrow
- 藉 to borrow alternate meanings:
,to excuse
,to lend
- 藉 to borrow mnemonic change
- 溯 to go upstream meaning change: go upstream → to go upstream
- 溯 to go upstream alternate meanings:
go upstream
,gone upstream
,goes upstream
,going upstream
- 溯 to go upstream mnemonic change
- 勉 strive mnemonic change
- 垮 to collapse meaning change: collapse → to collapse
- 垮 to collapse alternate meanings:
- 垮 to collapse mnemonic change
- 蹈 to tread meaning change: tread → to tread
- 蹈 to tread alternate meanings:
,to tread on
,tread on
,to step
,to step on
,step on
- 蹈 to tread pinyin change: dao3 → dao4
- 蹈 to tread mnemonic change
- 捅 to poke meaning change: poke → to poke
- 捅 to poke alternate meanings:
- 摳 to dig out meaning change: dig out → to dig out
- 摳 to dig out alternate meanings:
dig out
,digs out
,digging out
,digged out
,to pick out
,pick out
,picks out
,to pick
,to take out
,take out
- 摳 to dig out mnemonic change
- 黯 dim updated components:
- 黯 dim mnemonic change
- 撬 to pry open meaning change: pry open → to pry open
- 撬 to pry open alternate meanings:
pry open
,pries open
,pried open
,prying open
,to pry
- 撬 to pry open mnemonic change
- 烹 to cook meaning change: cook → to cook
- 烹 to cook alternate meanings:
- 烹 to cook mnemonic change
- 飪 to cook meaning change: cook → to cook
- 飪 to cook alternate meanings:
- 刨 to shave off meaning change: shave off → to shave off
- 刨 to shave off alternate meanings:
shave off
,shaves off
,shaving off
,shaved off
,to shave
- 刨 to shave off mnemonic change
- 嘮 to chatter meaning change: chatter → to chatter
- 嘮 to chatter alternate meanings:
- 嘮 to chatter mnemonic change
- 蜀 Sichuan alternate meanings:
Sichuan province
- 涮 to rinse meaning change: rinse → to rinse
- 涮 to rinse alternate meanings:
- 酗 to drink excessively meaning change: drink excessively → to drink excessively
- 酗 to drink excessively alternate meanings:
drink excessively
,drinking excessively
,drinks excessively
,drank excessively
,to excessively drink
,excessively drink
,drink to excess
,over drink
- 酗 to drink excessively mnemonic change
- 餒 to be discouraged meaning change: discourage → to be discouraged
- 餒 to be discouraged alternate meanings:
be discouraged
,is discouraged
,to discourage
- 熔 to melt mnemonic change
- 摻 to mix meaning change: mix → to mix
- 摻 to mix alternate meanings:
- 稽 to inspect meaning change: inspect → to inspect
- 稽 to inspect alternate meanings:
- 漾 to ripple meaning change: ripple → to ripple
- 漾 to ripple alternate meanings:
- 漾 to ripple mnemonic change
- 繹 to unravel meaning change: unravel → to unravel
- 繹 to unravel alternate meanings:
- 斐然 brilliant examples change
- 豌豆 pea examples change
- 鉸鏈 hinge examples change
- 帷幕 heavy curtain examples change
- 動作 movement examples change
- 凝眸 to gaze examples change
- 海獺 sea otter examples change
- 越來越 increasingly examples change
- 手鐲 bracelet examples change
- 縮小 to reduce alternate meanings:
,to shrink
- 拆散 to break up examples change
- 文雅 refined examples change
- 無恥 shameless alternate meanings:
Newly added
- 不慎 careless
- 慎重 cautious
- 劫持 to hijack
- 搶劫 to rob
- 絡繹不絕 in an endless stream
- 寥寥無幾 very few
- 愈演愈烈 to intensify
- 愈來愈 more and more
- 主軸 main axle
- 包袱 burden
- 隱蔽 to conceal
- 旺季 peak season
- 辨認 to identify
- 嶄新 brand-new
- 分割 to cut apart
- 擱淺 to run aground
- 擱置 to shelve
- 酗酒 to drink excessively
- 推波助瀾 to add fuel to the fire
- 頹廢 decadent
- 嘮叨 to chatter
- 秉公 impartially
- 秉持 to uphold
- 欽佩 to admire
- 巷口 alley entrance
- 欺侮 to bully
- 八卦 gossip
- 和睦 harmonious
- 蕩漾 to ripple
- 出軌 to derail
- 鐵軌 railway tracks
- 掠奪 to plunder
- 輔助 to assist
- 蜀錦 Sichuan brocade
- 刨冰 shaved ice
- 曠野 wilderness
- 曠課 to skip class
- 揉成 to knead into
- 表彰 to commend
- 摻雜 to mix
- 新穎 novel
- 鑄造 to cast metal
- 追溯 to trace back to
- 飄動 to flutter
- 侵蝕 to erode
- 腐蝕 to corrode
- 氣餒 to be discouraged
- 傾聽 to listen attentively
- 閨女 daughter
- 開闢 to open up
- 開天闢地 groundbreaking
- 副作用 side effect
- 副總統 vice president
- 無稽之談 sheer nonsense
- 滑稽 comical
- 僻靜 secluded
- 勒馬 to rein in a horse
- 勒索 to extort
- 北魏 Northern Wei Dynasty
- 劉邦 Liu Bang
- 劉德華 Andy Lau
- 裁縫 tailor
- 縫合 to sew up
- 陳舊 outdated
- 陳列室 exhibition room
- 恍然 to suddenly realize
- 逗趣 to amuse
- 發愣 to be in a daze
- 貫穿 to run through
- 撐傘 to prop up an umbrella
- 砌磚 to lay brick
- 撬開 to pry open
- 摳出 to dig out
- 茂密 dense
- 趁早 as soon as possible
- 羨慕 to envy
- 手舞足蹈 to dance with joy
- 舞蹈 dance
- 打垮 to rout
- 壓榨 to extract
- 深淵 abyss
- 贖金 ransom
- 贖回 to redeem
- 蕭條 economic depression
- 怒吼 to roar
- 羅盤 compass
- 天羅地網 inescapable net
- 通宵 all night
- 元宵節 Lantern Festival
- 捅破 to poke through
- 或曰 some say
- 撿起 to pick up
- 撿柴 to gather firewood
- 丙級 Level C
- 四濺 to splatter everywhere
- 癱瘓 to be paralyzed
- 涮涮鍋 shabu-shabu
- 洗涮 to rinse