This is (mainly) another “maintenance” update. With this update, we have finished fixing up verb forms for all words and for all characters that have at least one associated word. Any remaining characters will be fixed up as I add words for them. All the changes here are “backwards compatible”, it is just a bunch of small changes making the infinitive form the definitive form where is makes sense to do so. (E.g., “to run” instead of “run”), with the “to-less” variant still remaining as an acceptable answer.
- 叮 to sting meaning change: sting → to sting
- 叮 to sting alternate meanings:
- 叮 to sting mnemonic change
- 斥 to reprimand meaning change: reprimand → to reprimand
- 斥 to reprimand alternate meanings:
,to scold
- 厦 tall building updated components:
- 厦 tall building mnemonic change
- 牧 to herd meaning change: herd → to herd
- 牧 to herd alternate meanings:
- 牧 to herd mnemonic change
- 炊 to cook meaning change: cook → to cook
- 炊 to cook alternate meanings:
- 炊 to cook mnemonic change
- 惹 to provoke meaning change: provoke → to provoke
- 惹 to provoke alternate meanings:
,to agitate
- 惹 to provoke mnemonic change
- 憎 to hate meaning change: hate → to hate
- 憎 to hate alternate meanings:
- 扒 to rake up meaning change: rake up → to rake up
- 扒 to rake up alternate meanings:
rake up
,rakes up
,raked up
,raking up
,to rake
,to rake together
,rake together
- 扒 to rake up mnemonic change
- 膛 chest mnemonic change
- 毙 to die meaning change: die → to die
- 毙 to die alternate meanings:
,to kill
- 侨 to live abroad meaning change: live abroad → to live abroad
- 侨 to live abroad alternate meanings:
live abroad
,lives abroad
,living abroad
,lived abroad
- 屁 fart alternate meanings:
to fart
- 夸 to exaggerate meaning change: exaggerate → to exaggerate
- 夸 to exaggerate alternate meanings:
,to brag
- 署 to sign meaning change: sign → to sign
- 署 to sign alternate meanings:
- 署 to sign mnemonic change
- 陌 footpath updated components:
- 陌 footpath mnemonic change
- 凝 to congeal meaning change: congeal → to congeal
- 凝 to congeal alternate meanings:
,to condense
- 嗽 to cough meaning change: cough → to cough
- 嗽 to cough alternate meanings:
- 晋 to promote meaning change: promote → to promote
- 晋 to promote alternate meanings:
- 哄 to coax meaning change: coax → to coax
- 哄 to coax alternate meanings:
- 删 to delete meaning change: delete → to delete
- 删 to delete alternate meanings:
- 簿 register mnemonic change
- 誉 reputation updated components:
- 誉 reputation mnemonic change
- 挽 to pull meaning change: pull → to pull
- 挽 to pull alternate meanings:
,to draw
- 挽 to pull mnemonic change
- 嘱 to urge meaning change: urge → to urge
- 嘱 to urge alternate meanings:
,to advise
,to enjoin
- 嘱 to urge mnemonic change
- 踹 to kick meaning change: kick → to kick
- 踹 to kick alternate meanings:
- 迪 to enlighten meaning change: enlighten → to enlighten
- 迪 to enlighten alternate meanings:
- 炖 to stew meaning change: stew → to stew
- 炖 to stew alternate meanings:
- 炖 to stew mnemonic change
- 弈 Go alternate meanings:
- 吭 to utter meaning change: utter → to utter
- 吭 to utter alternate meanings:
- 跤 to fall meaning change: fall → to fall
- 跤 to fall alternate meanings:
- 抛 to toss meaning change: toss → to toss
- 抛 to toss alternate meanings:
- 耸 to shrug meaning change: shrug → to shrug
- 耸 to shrug alternate meanings:
- 叫好 to applaud meaning change: applaud → to applaud
- 叫好 to applaud alternate meanings:
- 叫好 to applaud mnemonic change
- 书写 to write meaning change: write → to write
- 书写 to write alternate meanings:
- 休想 don’t think meaning change: not think → don’t think
- 休想 don’t think alternate meanings:
to not think
,not think
,don''t imagine
- 休想 don’t think mnemonic change
- 休想 don’t think examples change
- 好比 to be comparable to meaning change: comparable to → to be comparable to
- 好比 to be comparable to alternate meanings:
be comparable to
,is comparable to
,comperable to
,compares to
- 好比 to be comparable to mnemonic change
- 摔跤 wrestling alternate meanings:
to wrestle
- 哄骗 to hoodwink meaning change: hoodwink → to hoodwink
- 哄骗 to hoodwink alternate meanings:
,to deceive
- 哄骗 to hoodwink mnemonic change
- 咳嗽 to cough meaning change: cough → to cough
- 咳嗽 to cough alternate meanings:
- 咳嗽 to cough mnemonic change
- 徐徐 slowly mnemonic change
- 缓慢 slow mnemonic change
- 憎恨 to hate meaning change: hate → to hate
- 憎恨 to hate alternate meanings:
- 憎恨 to hate mnemonic change
- 扒手 pickpocket mnemonic change
- 拴住 to tie up alternate meanings:
tie up
,tied up
,to tie
- 敲锣 to beat a gong meaning change: beat a gong → to beat a gong
- 敲锣 to beat a gong alternate meanings:
beat a gong
,beating a gong
,beats a gong
,to sound a gong
,sound a gong
,to play a gong
,play a gong
,beat gong
- 敲锣 to beat a gong mnemonic change
- 试用 to try out meaning change: try out → to try out
- 试用 to try out alternate meanings:
try out
,trying out
,tries out
,tried out
,to try
- 试用 to try out mnemonic change
- 取笑 to laugh at meaning change: laugh at → to laugh at
- 取笑 to laugh at alternate meanings:
laugh at
,laughs at
,laughing at
,laughed at
,to make fun of
,make fun of
- 取笑 to laugh at mnemonic change
- 急于 to be impatient to meaning change: impatient to → to be impatient to
- 急于 to be impatient to alternate meanings:
be impatient to
,is impatient to
,impatient to
,to be anxious to
,anxious to
,to be eager to
,eager to
- 急于 to be impatient to mnemonic change
- 急于 to be impatient to examples change
- 占卜 to divine mnemonic change
- 还原 to restore meaning change: restore → to restore
- 还原 to restore alternate meanings:
,to return
- 还原 to restore mnemonic change
- 吹牛 to boast meaning change: boast → to boast
- 吹牛 to boast alternate meanings:
,to brag
- 吹牛 to boast examples change
- 飞往 to fly toward meaning change: fly toward → to fly toward
- 飞往 to fly toward alternate meanings:
fly toward
,flying toward
,flies toward
,fly towards
,to fly
- 飞往 to fly toward mnemonic change
- 关掉 to turn off meaning change: turn off → to turn off
- 关掉 to turn off alternate meanings:
turn off
,turns off
,turning off
,turned off
,to switch off
,switch off
- 关掉 to turn off mnemonic change
- 求医 to seek medical advice meaning change: seek medical advice → to seek medical advice
- 求医 to seek medical advice alternate meanings:
seek medical advice
,seeks medical advice
,seeking medical advice
,to see a doctor
,see a doctor
,see doctor
- 求医 to seek medical advice mnemonic change
- 夸奖 to praise meaning change: praise → to praise
- 夸奖 to praise alternate meanings:
,to commend
,to compliment
- 夸奖 to praise mnemonic change
- 训斥 to reprimand meaning change: reprimand → to reprimand
- 训斥 to reprimand alternate meanings:
- 训斥 to reprimand mnemonic change
- 换位 to exchange positions meaning change: exchange positions → to exchange positions
- 换位 to exchange positions alternate meanings:
exchange positions
,exchanged positions
,exchanging positions
,exchanges positions
,to change positions
,change positions
,to swap places
,swap places
,to switch seats
,switch seats
- 换位 to exchange positions mnemonic change
- 换位 to exchange positions examples change
- 举例 to give an example meaning change: give an example → to give an example
- 举例 to give an example alternate meanings:
give an example
,gives an example
,giving an example
,gave an example
,to give example
,give example
- 举例 to give an example mnemonic change
- 流言 rumor alternate meanings:
- 适宜 suitable mnemonic change
- 饱满 plump examples change
- 舀汤 to ladle soup meaning change: ladle soup → to ladle soup
- 舀汤 to ladle soup alternate meanings:
ladle soup
,ladled soup
,ladles soup
,ladling soup
- 舀汤 to ladle soup mnemonic change
- 踹开 to kick open meaning change: kick open → to kick open
- 踹开 to kick open alternate meanings:
kick open
,kicks open
,kicking open
,kicked open
- 踹开 to kick open mnemonic change
- 打倒 to knock down meaning change: knock down → to knock down
- 打倒 to knock down alternate meanings:
knock down
,knocks down
,knocked down
,knocking down
,to overthrow
- 打倒 to knock down mnemonic change
- 排练 to rehearse meaning change: rehearse → to rehearse
- 排练 to rehearse alternate meanings:
- 排练 to rehearse mnemonic change
- 互助 to help each other meaning change: help each other → to help each other
- 互助 to help each other alternate meanings:
help each other
,helping each other
,helps each other
,helped each other
,assist each other
,to assist each other
- 互助 to help each other mnemonic change
- 容颜 looks mnemonic change
- 净化 to purify meaning change: purify → to purify
- 净化 to purify alternate meanings:
- 净化 to purify mnemonic change
- 采集 to collect meaning change: collect → to collect
- 采集 to collect alternate meanings:
,to gather
- 采集 to collect mnemonic change
- 忘掉 to forget meaning change: forget → to forget
- 忘掉 to forget alternate meanings:
,to slip from mind
,slip from mind
- 忘掉 to forget mnemonic change
- 闻名 well-known mnemonic change
- 订单 order examples change
- 取代 to replace meaning change: replace → to replace
- 取代 to replace alternate meanings:
,to substitute
- 取代 to replace mnemonic change
- 劳累 tired mnemonic change
- 组建 to organize meaning change: organize → to organize
- 组建 to organize alternate meanings:
,to establish
,to form
,to set up
,set up
- 组建 to organize mnemonic change
- 同类 same kind alternate meanings:
of the same kind
,same type
- 迷路 to get lost meaning change: get lost → to get lost
- 迷路 to get lost alternate meanings:
get lost
,got lost
,gets lost
,getting lost
,to lost one''s way
,lose one''s way
,to lose the way
,lose the way
,to become lost
,become lost
- 迷路 to get lost mnemonic change
- 迷路 to get lost examples change
- 省事 to simplify matters meaning change: simplify matters → to simplify matters
- 省事 to simplify matters alternate meanings:
simplify matters
,simplifying matters
,simplifies matters
,simplified matters
,to save trouble
,save trouble
- 省事 to simplify matters mnemonic change
- 吹了 to fall through meaning change: fall through → to fall through
- 吹了 to fall through alternate meanings:
fall through
,falling through
,falls through
,fell through
,fallen through
,to fail
- 配送 distribution mnemonic change
- 向往 to yearn for meaning change: yearn for → to yearn for
- 向往 to yearn for alternate meanings:
yearn for
,yearning for
,yearns for
,yearned for
,to look forward
,look forward to
- 向往 to yearn for mnemonic change
- 借用 to borrow meaning change: borrow → to borrow
- 借用 to borrow alternate meanings:
- 借用 to borrow mnemonic change
- 响起 to resound meaning change: resound → to resound
- 响起 to resound alternate meanings:
,to echo forth
,echo forth
,to sound forth
,sound forth
- 活该 to serve right meaning change: serve right → to serve right
- 活该 to serve right alternate meanings:
serve right
,served right
,serve sb right
,get what''s deserved
- 出卖 to sell meaning change: sell → to sell
- 出卖 to sell alternate meanings:
,to sell out
,sell out
,to sell off
,sell off
- 出卖 to sell examples change
- 业绩 accomplishment mnemonic change
- 出厂 to leave the factory meaning change: leave the factory → to leave the factory
- 出厂 to leave the factory alternate meanings:
leave the factory
,leaves the factory
,leaving the factory
,left the factory
- 丰满 full mnemonic change
- 流血 to bleed meaning change: bleed → to bleed
- 流血 to bleed alternate meanings:
- 流血 to bleed mnemonic change
- 切断 to cut off meaning change: cut off → to cut off
- 切断 to cut off alternate meanings:
cut off
,cuts off
,cutting off
- 切断 to cut off mnemonic change
- 危及 to endanger meaning change: endanger → to endanger
- 危及 to endanger alternate meanings:
- 危及 to endanger mnemonic change
- 危及 to endanger examples change
- 抛开 to cast aside meaning change: cast aside → to cast aside
- 抛开 to cast aside alternate meanings:
cast aside
,casts aside
,casting aside
,to toss aside
,toss aside
- 抛开 to cast aside mnemonic change
- 抛弃 to abandon meaning change: abandon → to abandon
- 抛弃 to abandon alternate meanings:
- 抛弃 to abandon mnemonic change
- 肾脏 kidney mnemonic change
- 概论 introduction examples change
- 发光 to shine meaning change: shine → to shine
- 发光 to shine alternate meanings:
,to emit light
,emit light
- 发光 to shine mnemonic change
- 绳索 rope mnemonic change
- 吃苦 to bear hardships meaning change: bear hardships → to bear hardships
- 吃苦 to bear hardships alternate meanings:
bear hardships
,bearing hardships
,bears hardships
,to endure hardships
,endure hardships
- 吃苦 to bear hardships mnemonic change
- 否决 to veto meaning change: veto → to veto
- 否决 to veto alternate meanings:
,to reject
- 否决 to veto mnemonic change
- 取胜 to prevail meaning change: prevail → to prevail
- 取胜 to prevail alternate meanings:
,to win
,win victory
,score success
,gain victory
- 取胜 to prevail mnemonic change
- 流浪 to wander meaning change: wander → to wander
- 流浪 to wander alternate meanings:
,to wander about
,wander about
,to roam
,to roam about
,roam about
- 流浪 to wander mnemonic change
- 跳动 beating alternate meanings:
to beat
,to pulse
- 吵嘴 to quarrel meaning change: quarrel → to quarrel
- 吵嘴 to quarrel alternate meanings:
,to squabble
,to bicker
- 吵嘴 to quarrel mnemonic change
- 争吵 to quarrel meaning change: quarrel → to quarrel
- 争吵 to quarrel alternate meanings:
,to squablle
,to bicker
- 争吵 to quarrel mnemonic change
- 争吵 to quarrel examples change
- 落户 to settle meaning change: settle → to settle
- 落户 to settle alternate meanings:
,to settle down
,settle down
- 落户 to settle mnemonic change
- 补救 to remedy meaning change: remedy → to remedy
- 补救 to remedy alternate meanings:
- 补救 to remedy mnemonic change
- 补救 to remedy examples change
- 流泪 to shed tears meaning change: shed tears → to shed tears
- 流泪 to shed tears alternate meanings:
shed tears
,shedding tears
,sheds tears
,to cry
- 流泪 to shed tears mnemonic change
- 跳伞 skydiving alternate meanings:
to skydive
,to parachute
- 过奖 to flatter meaning change: flatter → to flatter
- 过奖 to flatter alternate meanings:
,to overpraise
- 过奖 to flatter mnemonic change
- 移植 to transplant meaning change: transplant → to transplant
- 移植 to transplant alternate meanings:
- 移植 to transplant mnemonic change
- 圈套 trap alternate meanings:
- 入境 entry alternate meanings:
enter a country
,to enter
- 赶往 to hurry toward meaning change: hurry toward → to hurry toward
- 赶往 to hurry toward alternate meanings:
hurry toward
,hurried toward
,hurry towards
,hurries toward
,to hurry to
,hurry to
,to hurry
,to rush to
,rush to
- 冒险 adventure alternate meanings:
,to adventure
- 停顿 to pause meaning change: pause → to pause
- 停顿 to pause alternate meanings:
,to halt
- 停顿 to pause mnemonic change
- 挂号 to register meaning change: register → to register
- 挂号 to register alternate meanings:
- 挂号 to register mnemonic change
- 察觉 to detect meaning change: detect → to detect
- 察觉 to detect alternate meanings:
,to sense
,to notice
- 察觉 to detect mnemonic change
- 察觉 to detect examples change
- 误导 to mislead meaning change: mislead → to mislead
- 误导 to mislead alternate meanings:
- 误导 to mislead mnemonic change
- 沉思 to contemplate meaning change: contemplate → to contemplate
- 沉思 to contemplate alternate meanings:
,to ponder
- 沉思 to contemplate mnemonic change
- 注入 to pour into meaning change: pour into → to pour into
- 注入 to pour into alternate meanings:
pour into
,pouring into
,pours into
,poured into
,to empty into
,empty into
,to inject
- 注入 to pour into mnemonic change
- 破案 to solve the case meaning change: solve the case → to solve the case
- 破案 to solve the case alternate meanings:
solve the case
,solved the case
,solving the case
,solves the case
,to solve a case
,solve a case
,crack the case
,crack a case
- 破案 to solve the case examples change
- 放映 showing alternate meanings:
,to show
,to screen
- 恶化 to worsen meaning change: worsen → to worsen
- 恶化 to worsen alternate meanings:
,to deteriorate
- 恶化 to worsen mnemonic change
- 回升 to rise again meaning change: rise again → to rise again
- 回升 to rise again alternate meanings:
rise again
,rose again
,risen again
,rises again
,rising again
- 回升 to rise again mnemonic change
- 计较 to fuss about meaning change: fuss about → to fuss about
- 计较 to fuss about alternate meanings:
fuss about
,fussing about
,fussed about
,fusses about
,to fuss over
,fuss over
,to fuss
,to make a fuss
,make a fuss
- 计较 to fuss about mnemonic change
- 减速 to slow down meaning change: slow down → to slow down
- 减速 to slow down alternate meanings:
slow down
,slows down
,slown down
,slowed down
,slowing down
,to reduce speed
,reduce speed
- 减速 to slow down mnemonic change
- 缓和 to ease meaning change: ease → to ease
- 缓和 to ease alternate meanings:
,to alleviate
- 缓和 to ease mnemonic change
- 扫兴 to spoil meaning change: spoil → to spoil
- 扫兴 to spoil alternate meanings:
,to run
,to dampen
- 扫兴 to spoil mnemonic change
- 默读 to silently read meaning change: silently read → to silently read
- 默读 to silently read alternate meanings:
silently read
,silently reading
,silently reads
,to read silently
,read silently
,silent reading
- 秀丽 beautiful mnemonic change
- 追逐 to pursue meaning change: pursue → to pursue
- 追逐 to pursue alternate meanings:
,to chase
- 追逐 to pursue mnemonic change
- 缺席 to be absent meaning change: absent → to be absent
- 缺席 to be absent alternate meanings:
be absent
,is absent
- 缺席 to be absent mnemonic change
- 解脱 to free oneself meaning change: free oneself → to free oneself
- 解脱 to free oneself alternate meanings:
free oneself
,freeing oneself
,freed oneself
,frees oneself
,to break free
,break free
,to free himself
,free himself
,to free herself
,free herself
- 汇合 to converge meaning change: converge → to converge
- 汇合 to converge alternate meanings:
- 汇合 to converge mnemonic change
- 归还 to return meaning change: return → to return
- 归还 to return alternate meanings:
- 归还 to return mnemonic change
- 隔离 to isolate meaning change: isolate → to isolate
- 隔离 to isolate alternate meanings:
,to quarantine
- 观赏 to enjoy meaning change: enjoy → to enjoy
- 观赏 to enjoy alternate meanings:
,to see and enjoy
,see and enjoy
,to observe and enjoy
,observe and enjoy
- 观赏 to enjoy mnemonic change
- 迫害 to persecute meaning change: persecute → to persecute
- 迫害 to persecute alternate meanings:
- 迫害 to persecute mnemonic change
- 骨折 to break a bone meaning change: break a bone → to break a bone
- 骨折 to break a bone alternate meanings:
break a bone
,broke a bone
,to fracture a bone
,fracture a bone
- 交叉 to intersect meaning change: intersect → to intersect
- 交叉 to intersect alternate meanings:
,to cross
- 止咳 to stop coughing meaning change: stop coughing → to stop coughing
- 止咳 to stop coughing alternate meanings:
stop coughing
,stops coughing
,stopped coughing
,to relieve coughing
,relieve coughing
,to suppress coughing
,suppress coughing
- 迟疑 to hesitate meaning change: hesitate → to hesitate
- 迟疑 to hesitate alternate meanings:
- 迟疑 to hesitate mnemonic change
- 获胜 to seize victory meaning change: seize victory → to seize victory
- 获胜 to seize victory alternate meanings:
seize victory
,seizing victory
,seizes victory
,seized victory
,to win
,to triumph
,to win victory
,win victory
- 富含 to be rich in meaning change: rich in → to be rich in
- 富含 to be rich in alternate meanings:
be rich in
,rich in
,is rich in
,wealth of
- 富含 to be rich in mnemonic change
- 毫无 to have no meaning change: have no → to have no
- 毫无 to have no alternate meanings:
have no
,having no
,had no
,has no
,none whatsoever
,completely lack
- 毫无 to have no mnemonic change
- 提炼 to refine meaning change: refine → to refine
- 提炼 to refine alternate meanings:
- 摆平 to settle meaning change: settle → to settle
- 摆平 to settle alternate meanings:
,to settle a matter
,settle a matter
,to fairly settle
,fairly settle
,to impartially settle
,impartially settle
- 摆平 to settle mnemonic change
- 搜救 search and rescue alternate meanings:
search for and rescue
,to search and rescue
,to search for and rescue
- 搜查 to search meaning change: search → to search
- 搜查 to search alternate meanings:
- 搜查 to search mnemonic change
- 搜查 to search examples change
- 聚集 to gather meaning change: gather → to gather
- 聚集 to gather alternate meanings:
,to assemble
- 聚集 to gather mnemonic change
- 滚动 to roll meaning change: roll → to roll
- 滚动 to roll alternate meanings:
- 滚动 to roll mnemonic change
- 插嘴 to interrupt meaning change: interrupt → to interrupt
- 插嘴 to interrupt alternate meanings:
,to break in
,break in
,to cut in
,cut in
- 插嘴 to interrupt mnemonic change
- 召集 to convene meaning change: convene → to convene
- 召集 to convene alternate meanings:
,to call together
,call together
- 召集 to convene mnemonic change
- 暗杀 assassination alternate meanings:
to assassinate
- 劝说 to persuade meaning change: persuade → to persuade
- 劝说 to persuade alternate meanings:
,to advise
- 填写 to fill out meaning change: fill out → to fill out
- 填写 to fill out alternate meanings:
fill out
,fills out
,filled out
,filling out
,to fill in
,fill in
- 填补 to fill meaning change: fill → to fill
- 填补 to fill alternate meanings:
,to fill in
,fill in
- 填补 to fill mnemonic change
- 填补 to fill examples change
- 欠缺 to lack meaning change: lack → to lack
- 欠缺 to lack alternate meanings:
- 欠缺 to lack mnemonic change
- 阻挡 to block meaning change: block → to block
- 阻挡 to block alternate meanings:
- 阻挡 to block mnemonic change
- 晒太阳 to sunbathe meaning change: sunbathe → to sunbathe
- 晒太阳 to sunbathe alternate meanings:
,to bask in the sun
,bask in the sun
,to bask
,to tan
,to suntan
- 晒太阳 to sunbathe mnemonic change
- 念念不忘 to never forget meaning change: never forget → to never forget
- 念念不忘 to never forget alternate meanings:
never forget
,never forgot
,never forgets
,never fogetting
,to bear in mind constantly
,bear in mind constantly
- 念念不忘 to never forget mnemonic change
- 低估 to underestimate meaning change: underestimate → to underestimate
- 低估 to underestimate alternate meanings:
- 低估 to underestimate mnemonic change
- 压缩 to compress meaning change: compress → to compress
- 压缩 to compress alternate meanings:
- 压缩 to compress mnemonic change
- 致富 to become rich meaning change: become rich → to become rich
- 致富 to become rich alternate meanings:
become rich
,became rich
,becoming rich
,becomes rich
,to get rich
,get rich
,to become wealthy
,become wealthy
- 致富 to become rich mnemonic change
- 登机 to board a plane meaning change: board a plane → to board a plane
- 登机 to board a plane alternate meanings:
board a plane
,boards a plane
,boarding a plane
,boarded a plane
,to board
- 登机 to board a plane mnemonic change
- 授权 to authorize meaning change: authorize → to authorize
- 授权 to authorize alternate meanings:
- 授权 to authorize mnemonic change
- 安宁 peaceful mnemonic change
- 奖项 award mnemonic change
- 解析 to analyze meaning change: analyze → to analyze
- 解析 to analyze alternate meanings:
- 解析 to analyze mnemonic change
- 传染 to infect meaning change: infect → to infect
- 传染 to infect alternate meanings:
- 传染 to infect mnemonic change
- 瞧不起 to look down on meaning change: look down on → to look down on
- 瞧不起 to look down on alternate meanings:
look down on
,looking down on
,looks down on
,looked down on
,look down upon
,to look down upon
- 引弓 to draw a bow meaning change: draw a bow → to draw a bow
- 引弓 to draw a bow alternate meanings:
draw a bow
,draws a bow
,drawing a bow
,drew a bow
- 引弓 to draw a bow mnemonic change
- 奋力 to spare no effort meaning change: spare no effort → to spare no effort
- 奋力 to spare no effort alternate meanings:
spare no effort
,spared no effort
,spares no effort
,sparing no effort
,to do all one can
,do all one can
,to go all out
,go all out
- 奋力 to spare no effort mnemonic change
- 申报 to declare meaning change: declare → to declare
- 申报 to declare alternate meanings:
,to report
- 申报 to declare mnemonic change
- 扫描 to scan meaning change: scan → to scan
- 扫描 to scan alternate meanings:
- 扫描 to scan mnemonic change
- 呼救 to call for help meaning change: call for help → to call for help
- 呼救 to call for help alternate meanings:
call for help
,calls for help
,calling for help
,called for help
,to shout for help
,shout for help
,to cry for help
,cry for help
- 呼救 to call for help mnemonic change
- 打招呼 to greet meaning change: greet → to greet
- 打招呼 to greet alternate meanings:
- 打招呼 to greet mnemonic change
- 怀抱 to embrace meaning change: embrace → to embrace
- 怀抱 to embrace alternate meanings:
- 怀抱 to embrace mnemonic change
- 辩护 to defend meaning change: defend → to defend
- 辩护 to defend alternate meanings:
,to speak in defense of
,speak in defense of
- 辩护 to defend mnemonic change
- 托付 to entrust meaning change: entrust → to entrust
- 托付 to entrust alternate meanings:
- 托付 to entrust mnemonic change
- 丢脸 to lose face meaning change: lose face → to lose face
- 丢脸 to lose face alternate meanings:
lose face
,losing face
,lost face
,loses face
- 丢脸 to lose face mnemonic change
- 丢失 to lose meaning change: lose → to lose
- 丢失 to lose alternate meanings:
- 丢失 to lose mnemonic change
- 退却 to retreat meaning change: retreat → to retreat
- 退却 to retreat alternate meanings:
,to withdraw
- 退却 to retreat mnemonic change
- 避暑 to escape the heat meaning change: escape the heat → to escape the heat
- 避暑 to escape the heat alternate meanings:
escape the heat
,escaping the heat
,escapes the heat
,escaped the heat
,escape summer heat
,escape heat
,evade summer heat
,avoid summer heat
- 避暑 to escape the heat mnemonic change
- 陪伴 to accompany meaning change: accompany → to accompany
- 陪伴 to accompany alternate meanings:
- 特邀 to specially invite meaning change: specially invite → to specially invite
- 特邀 to specially invite alternate meanings:
specially invite
,specially invites
,specially inviting
,specially invited
- 特邀 to specially invite mnemonic change
- 泼冷水 to pour cold water meaning change: pour cold water → to pour cold water
- 泼冷水 to pour cold water alternate meanings:
pour cold water
,pouring cold water
,pours cold water
,poured cold water
,to splash cold water
,splash cold water
,to discourage
- 泼冷水 to pour cold water mnemonic change
- 泼冷水 to pour cold water examples change
- 猜想 to suppose meaning change: suppose → to suppose
- 猜想 to suppose alternate meanings:
,to guess
- 猜想 to suppose mnemonic change
- 荣幸 honored alternate meanings:
to be honored
,be honored
,to be honoured
,be honoured
- 偷懒 to slack off meaning change: slack off → to slack off
- 偷懒 to slack off alternate meanings:
slack off
,slacked off
,slacking off
,slacks off
,to loaf
- 赔钱 to lose money meaning change: lose money → to lose money
- 赔钱 to lose money alternate meanings:
lose money
,loses money
,losing money
,lost money
,financial loss
,financial losses
- 展翅 to spread wings meaning change: spread wings → to spread wings
- 展翅 to spread wings alternate meanings:
spread wings
,spread the wings
,spread your wings
,spread its wings
- 展翅 to spread wings mnemonic change
- 签署 to sign meaning change: sign → to sign
- 签署 to sign alternate meanings:
- 签署 to sign mnemonic change
- 病症 illness mnemonic change
- 悬挂 to hang meaning change: hang → to hang
- 悬挂 to hang alternate meanings:
,to suspend
- 悬挂 to hang mnemonic change
- 懒得 to not feel like meaning change: not feel like → to not feel like
- 懒得 to not feel like alternate meanings:
not feel like
,doesn''t feel like
,don''t feel like
,to not feel like doing
,not feel like doing
,too lazy
- 懒得 to not feel like mnemonic change
- 伸手 to reach out meaning change: reach out → to reach out
- 伸手 to reach out alternate meanings:
reach out
,reached out
,reaching out
,reaches out
,to stretch out
,stretch out
,to hold out
,hold out
- 献血 to donate blood meaning change: donate blood → to donate blood
- 献血 to donate blood alternate meanings:
donate blood
,donates blood
,donating blood
,donated blood
- 献血 to donate blood mnemonic change
- 挽回 to redeem meaning change: redeem → to redeem
- 挽回 to redeem alternate meanings:
,to retrieve
- 挽回 to redeem mnemonic change
- 挽救 to rescue meaning change: rescue → to rescue
- 挽救 to rescue alternate meanings:
,to save
- 造谣 to spread rumors meaning change: spread rumors → to spread rumors
- 造谣 to spread rumors alternate meanings:
spread rumors
,spreads rumor
,spreading rumors
,to spread rumours
,spread rumours
,to start rumors
,start rumors
,to create rumors
,create rumors
- 谣言 rumor alternate meanings:
- 竞选 to run for meaning change: run for → to run for
- 竞选 to run for alternate meanings:
run for
,runs for
,running for
,ran for
,to run for office
,run for office
- 竞选 to run for mnemonic change
- 欣慰 gratified alternate meanings:
to be gratified
,be gratified
- 刊登 to publish meaning change: publish → to publish
- 刊登 to publish alternate meanings:
- 刊登 to publish mnemonic change
- 产卵 to lay eggs meaning change: lay eggs → to lay eggs
- 产卵 to lay eggs alternate meanings:
lay eggs
,lay egg
,to lay an egg
,lay an egg
,to spawn
- 交锋 to clash meaning change: clash → to clash
- 交锋 to clash alternate meanings:
,to cross swords
,cross swords
- 投稿 to submit a draft meaning change: submit a draft → to submit a draft
- 投稿 to submit a draft alternate meanings:
submit a draft
,to submit for publication
,submit for publication
,to submit
,to submit a piece of writing
,submit a piece of writing
- 飞跃 to leap mnemonic change
- 钞票 banknote alternate meanings:
,paper money
- 侨民 expatriates examples change
- 晋升 to promote mnemonic change
- 拳击 boxing alternate meanings:
to box
- 报仇 to take revenge meaning change: take revenge → to take revenge
- 报仇 to take revenge alternate meanings:
take revenge
,taking revenge
,took revenge
,takes revenge
,to revenge
- 报仇 to take revenge mnemonic change
- 舔嘴唇 to lick one’s lips meaning change: lick your lips → to lick one’s lips
- 舔嘴唇 to lick one’s lips alternate meanings:
lick one''s lips
,lick your lips
,to lick your lips
- 舔嘴唇 to lick one’s lips mnemonic change
- 凝固 to solidify meaning change: solidify → to solidify
- 凝固 to solidify alternate meanings:
- 凝固 to solidify mnemonic change
- 窒息 to suffocate meaning change: suffocate → to suffocate
- 窒息 to suffocate alternate meanings:
- 窒息 to suffocate mnemonic change
- 偷窥 to peep alternate meanings:
- 偷窥 to peep mnemonic change
- 跟踪 to follow alternate meanings:
,follow the tracks of
,to tail
,to shadow
- 失踪 to be missing mnemonic change
- 上瘾 to be addicted meaning change: be addicted → to be addicted
- 上瘾 to be addicted alternate meanings:
be addicted
,is addicted
,become addicted
,to become addicted
- 上瘾 to be addicted mnemonic change
- 痛哭流涕 to weep bitterly meaning change: weep bitterly → to weep bitterly
- 痛哭流涕 to weep bitterly alternate meanings:
weep bitterly
,wept bitterly
,weeps bitterly
,weeping bitterly
,to cry bitterly
,cry bitterly
- 痛哭流涕 to weep bitterly mnemonic change
- 标竿 benchmark alternate meanings:
- 淋浴 to shower alternate meanings:
- 沏茶 to make tea alternate meanings:
make tea
,making tea
,makes tea
,to infuse tea
,infuse tea
,to brew tea
,brew tea
,to steep tea
,steep tea
- 沏茶 to make tea examples change
- 化妆 to put on makeup meaning change: put on makeup → to put on makeup
- 化妆 to put on makeup alternate meanings:
put on makeup
,puts on makeup
,putting on makeup
,to apply makeup
,apply makeup
- 化妆 to put on makeup mnemonic change
- 下棋 to play chess alternate meanings:
play chess
,plays chess
,played chess
,playing chess
- 倒霉 to have bad luck meaning change: have bad luck → to have bad luck
- 倒霉 to have bad luck alternate meanings:
have bad luck
,has bad luck
,had bad luck
,be out of luck
,to be out of luck
,to be unlucky
,be unlucky
- 发霉 to become mildewed meaning change: become mildewed → to become mildewed
- 发霉 to become mildewed alternate meanings:
become mildewed
,became mildewed
,becoming mildewed
,becomes mildewed
,to mildew
,go moldy
,go mouldy
- 刹车 to brake the car alternate meanings:
brake the car
,brakes the car
,braking the car
,to brake a car
,brake a car
,to brake
- 口哨 whistle alternate meanings:
- 灌输 to instill alternate meanings:
- 瞎说 to talk nonsense alternate meanings:
talk nonsense
,talking nonsense
,talks nonsense
,talked nonsense
- 甘心 to be willing alternate meanings:
be willing
,is willing
- 神仙 immortal mnemonic change
- 畅谈 to talk freely alternate meanings:
talk freely
,talks freely
,talking freely
,talked freely
,chat freely
,to chat freely
- 畅销 to sell well alternate meanings:
sell well
,sells well
,selling well
,sold well
- 头晕 to feel dizzy alternate meanings:
feel dizzy
,feels dizzy
,felt dizzy
,feeling dizzy
- 契约 contract alternate meanings:
- 捕捉 to catch alternate meanings:
,to capture
- 下跌 to tumble alternate meanings:
,to fall
,to drop
,to decline
- 半途而废 to give up halfway meaning change: give up halfway → to give up halfway
- 半途而废 to give up halfway alternate meanings:
give up halfway
,gives up halfway
,gave up halfway
,giving up halfway
,to quit halfway
,quit halfway
,to leave something unfinished
,leave something unfinished
- 半途而废 to give up halfway mnemonic change
- 盔甲 suit of armor alternate meanings:
suit of armour
- 不懈 untiring alternate meanings:
- 拐弯 to turn a corner alternate meanings:
turn a corner
,turned a corner
,turns a corner
,turning a corner
,to make a turn
,make a turn
,to turn
- 哀求 to implore alternate meanings:
,to entreat
,to beg
- 安抚 to placate alternate meanings:
,to pacify
- 添加 to increase alternate meanings:
,to add
- 酣睡 to sleep soundly alternate meanings:
sleep soundly
,sleeping soundly
,sleeps soundly
,slept soundly
,sleep deeply
,to sleep deeply
,be fast asleep
- 放风筝 to fly a kite alternate meanings:
fly a kite
,flying a kite
,flies a kite
,flied a kite
,to fly kites
,fly kites
- 捍卫 to defend alternate meanings:
,to protect
,to guard
- 往返 to go back and forth alternate meanings:
go back and forth
,going back and forth
,goes back and forth
,back and forth
,go there and back
- 往返 to go back and forth examples change
- 麻醉 anesthesia alternate meanings:
to anesthetize
,to anaesthetize
- 迈进 to stride forward alternate meanings:
stride forward
,striding forward
,strides forward
,strode forward
,to forge ahead
,forge ahead
,to stride toward
,stride toward
- 目瞪口呆 dumbstruck alternate meanings:
,to be dumbstruck
,be dumbstruck
- 瞪眼 to glare alternate meanings:
,to stare
- 抽筋 to cramp alternate meanings:
,to get a cramp
,get a cramap
- 吭声 to utter a word mnemonic change
- 野炊 to have a cookout alternate meanings:
have a cookout
,had a cookout
,to cook in open air
,cook in open air
- 野炊 to have a cookout mnemonic change
- 帆船 sailboat mnemonic change
- 拘留 to detain alternate meanings:
,to intern
- 启迪 to enlighten alternate meanings:
,to inspire
- 杜绝 to put an end to alternate meanings:
put an end to
,puts an end to
,putting an end to
,put end to
,to stop
- 闪烁 to twinkle alternate meanings:
,to flicker
- 截然不同 completely different alternate meanings:
to be completely different
,be completely different
,to be entirely different
,be entirely different
,entirely differently
- 感叹 to sigh with feeling alternate meanings:
sigh with feeling
,sighs with feeling
,sighing with feeling
,sighed with feeling
,to sigh
- 凸显 to show clearly alternate meanings:
show clearly
,shows clearly
,showed clearly
,showing clearly
,to present clearly
,present clearly
- 乞求 to beg for alternate meanings:
beg for
,begged for
,begs for
,begging for
,to beg
- 诽谤 to slander alternate meanings:
,to libel
- 遭殃 to suffer disaster alternate meanings:
suffer disaster
,suffered disaster
,suffers disaster
,suffering disaster
,to suffer calamity
,suffer calamity
,to suffer