Breaking changes
- 粱 millet pinyin change: cheng2 → liang2
This will character be reset for all who previously learned it.
- suit mnemonic change
- 洛 Los Angeles meaning change: L.A. → Los Angeles
- 洛 Los Angeles alternate meanings:
- 洛 Los Angeles mnemonic change
- 坑 pit mnemonic change
- 望 to expect updated components:
- 望 to expect mnemonic change
- 眨 to blink meaning change: blink → to blink
- 眨 to blink alternate meanings:
- 钻 to drill meaning change: drill → to drill
- 钻 to drill alternate meanings:
- 钻 to drill mnemonic change
- 膀 upper arm mnemonic change
- 忌 to shun meaning change: shun → to shun
- 忌 to shun alternate meanings:
- 损 to damage meaning change: damage → to damage
- 损 to damage alternate meanings:
- 挟 to coerce meaning change: coerce → to coerce
- 挟 to coerce alternate meanings:
- 挟 to coerce mnemonic change
- 携 to take along meaning change: take along → to take along
- 携 to take along alternate meanings:
take along
,takes along
,took along
,taking along
,to carry
- 冶 to smelt meaning change: smelt → to smelt
- 冶 to smelt alternate meanings:
- 冶 to smelt mnemonic change
- 颁 to promulgate meaning change: promulgate → to promulgate
- 颁 to promulgate alternate meanings:
,to proclaim
- 咧 to grin meaning change: grin → to grin
- 咧 to grin alternate meanings:
- 咧 to grin mnemonic change
- 粱 millet alternate meanings:
- 粱 millet pinyin change: cheng2 → liang2
- 粱 millet mnemonic change
- 褐 brown mnemonic change
- 睁 to open the eyes meaning change: open the eyes → to open the eyes
- 睁 to open the eyes alternate meanings:
open the eyes
,opens the eyes
,open the eye
,opens the eye
,open eyes
,open eye
- 睁 to open the eyes mnemonic change
- 叛 to betray meaning change: betray → to betray
- 叛 to betray alternate meanings:
- 叛 to betray mnemonic change
- 睹 to see meaning change: see → to see
- 睹 to see alternate meanings:
- 缔 conclude mnemonic change
- 御 to resist meaning change: resist → to resist
- 御 to resist alternate meanings:
- 御 to resist mnemonic change
- 跪 to kneel meaning change: kneel → to kneel
- 跪 to kneel alternate meanings:
- 跪 to kneel mnemonic change
- 粹 pure mnemonic change
- 奠 to establish meaning change: establish → to establish
- 奠 to establish alternate meanings:
- 奠 to establish mnemonic change
- 淆 confused meaning change: confuse → confused
- 淆 confused alternate meanings:
to confuse
- 辖 to administer meaning change: administer → to administer
- 辖 to administer alternate meanings:
- 饲 to feed meaning change: feed → to feed
- 饲 to feed alternate meanings:
- 饲 to feed mnemonic change
- 霞 rosy clouds meaning change: red sky → rosy clouds
- 霞 rosy clouds alternate meanings:
rosy cloud
,red sky
,red skies
- 霞 rosy clouds mnemonic change
- 鹏 mythological bird meaning change: roc → mythological bird
- 鹏 mythological bird alternate meanings:
legendary bird
- 鹏 mythological bird mnemonic change
- 驳 to refute meaning change: refute → to refute
- 驳 to refute alternate meanings:
- 驳 to refute mnemonic change
- 奕 radiating mnemonic change
- 芙 hibiscus mnemonic change
- 谭 Tan mnemonic change
- 沽 to buy meaning change: buy → to buy
- 沽 to buy alternate meanings:
,to sell
- 峙 to stand erect meaning change: stand erect → to stand erect
- 峙 to stand erect alternate meanings:
stand erect
,stood erect
,standing erect
,stands erect
,to stand
,stand up
- 峙 to stand erect mnemonic change
- 溺 to drown updated components:
- 溺 to drown mnemonic change
- 狩 to hunt updated components:
- 狩 to hunt mnemonic change
Newly added
- 前后 around examples change
- 超过 to surpass examples change
- 僧侣 Buddhist monk examples change
Newly added
- 禁忌 taboo
- 忌口 to avoid certain foods
- 大鹏 Dapeng
- 反驳 to refute
- 驳回 to reject
- 驯鹿 reindeer
- 睁开 to open the eyes
- 携带 to take along
- 携手 to be hand in hand
- 眨眼 to blink
- 一眨眼 in the blink of an eye
- 屡次 repeatedly
- 奠定 to establish
- 奠基 to lay a foundation
- 冶炼 to smelt
- 冶金 metallurgy
- 浏览 to browse
- 浏览器 browser
- 荒凉 desolate
- 荒诞 absurd
- 抵御 to resist
- 御寒 to keep warm
- 英俊 handsome
- 饲料 feed
- 槐树 scholar tree
- 头衔 title
- 军衔 military rank
- 省吃俭用 to live frugally
- 彩霞 rosy clouds
- 咧嘴 to grin
- 损害 to damage
- 损失 loss
- 彼得潘 Peter Pan
- 胆固醇 cholesterol
- 醇厚 rich
- 虔诚 devout
- 虔敬 reverent
- 沽名钓誉 to seek fame and praise
- 颁奖 to present awards
- 颁布 to promulgate
- 沽酒 to buy alcohol
- 对峙 to confront each other
- 辖区 administrative region
- 管辖 to administer
- 堤坝 dikes and dams
- 堤防 dike
- 目睹 to witness
- 视若无睹 to turn a blind eye to
- 跪下 to kneel down
- 煎药 to decoct medicine
- 背叛 to betray
- 叛徒 traitor
- 钻孔 to drill a hole
- 钻研 to delve into
- 挟持 to take hostage
- 高粱 sorghum
- 心弦 heartstrings
- 和弦 chord
- 和蔼 amiable
- 漱口 to rinse the mouth
- 漱口水 mouthwash
- 仙鹤 red-crowned crane
- 混淆 to confuse
- 兢兢业业 conscientious
- 座右铭 motto
- 铭文 inscription
- 肉桂 cinnamon
- 肉桂皮 cinnamon bark