Obviously, there are tons of characters on hanzihero already, BUT! I’m curious, what’s your process of adding new characters for HSK 7+? For example, if I add a word from the dictionary 褶皱 (zhe3zhou4), HH has 皱 but not 褶.
Do you guys have an analysis of words that we’re adding from the dictionary? Are there tentative lists of characters you guys plan on adding?
At the moment we don’t necessarily have a methodology on why some HSK7+ characters are added. The available HSK7+ characters that were added were mostly due to the frequency if I recall correctly right now the focus has been on words.
This isn’t to say we aren’t going to add more when there’s more bandwidth Analyzing which dictionary words that are missing official HH character(s) sounds like a smart way to go about it though, along with other frequency lists
Kind of building off of this. This is somewhat of a feature request.
Since we’re able to add in dictionary items, BUT the dictionary only does words (min 2 char) and not individual characters, I was curious if a feature to add in custom words or characters to the SRS would be possible?
For example, I came across 老茧 for callus but 茧 is not a character in HH. So, I’d want to be able to add just 茧 to my own SRS.
Assuming individual characters have a black background like the dictionary, I think this would be good for people who want to learn characters with multiple tones. So, it’d be more or less a twobirdsonestone situation. The background color of red/pink versus black would help the user differentiate which pronunciation they’re being quizzed on, and since it would be voluntary, the user would choose to risk confusion (while aiming for additional mastery)
Plus, words that have this second pronunciation would be coming from the dictionary since HH wouldn’t have this second pronunciation (and its background would also be black)
You have some good points. We wanted to keep it to “words” only initially to keep the scope limited as we added the most basic functionality around it. Additionally, even though they are both dictionary entries, we think that learning a single character through the dictionary may need to be slightly different in terms of the information presented or whatever else than learning proper “words”.
I can definitely see the benefit of allowing “characters” (i.e., single character entries) at some point in the future, especially since rarer characters may never make it into the main HH system, or may not be in for a long time.
We’ll think about this some more as we finish up some missing features and polish on the current version of dictionary words.