Add example sentences to characters (any more)

Hi HanziHero

I would like to ask a few questions:

  1. Do you consider to add example sentences to characters? (so there are a lot more opportunities to understand the characters with context)

  2. Create a filter that related to frequency (e.g. Top 150, 500 most frequent used characters) or related to subject (e.g. color, food, transportation, etc.)?

  3. Create a 25 and 75 review limit options?


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  1. I can see the benefit of showing a sampling of example sentences on the character page, since we already have those stored under the associated words. I do worry about it being intimidating for beginners, but I think if we make it expandable and collapse it by default it shouldn’t be too much of an issue. I’ll file an item in our backlog to explore that a bit.
  2. Those are great ideas. At some point we plan to add a variety of “lists”, to make exploring all of the content more interesting, or also to make prioritizing certain subsets easier. It’s a ways off though.
  3. We plan to add additional review limit options in the coming months, stay tuned!