May 7, 2024, 8:23am
Have you considered allowing users to mark something as known rather than have to type it out? I think having to type out every pinyin in e.g. 信用卡 can really increase review time. It’s an easily abuse-able feature, but then again, that’s how Anki works.
I think typing it out partly helps remembering it better in the beginning, but then with Anki I can go through many words very fast if I know them well. Especially on the phone.
Better synonyms. I’ve added “to-verb” on pretty much every verb card. This takes a decent amount of time. Also I often have to look up the meanings of cards in Wiktionary and add synonyms from there. Not sure what the solution would look like, maybe allow users to add to a common pool, maybe use chat GPT to add synonyms?
Me too, adding to-verb to all the words that can be used as verbs as an alternative meaning would be helpful.
Longer learning intervals. This would reduce the number of reviews per day. You could analyze the data from our cards to see if there are opportunities for lengthening the intervals. I’d suspect that vocab cards behave differently than characters for example. Another one is, allowing users to fast track certain cards during lessons. When I see 桃花, I know right off the bat that this card will be very easy. I wish I could bump it to the 1-wk interval, or even higher. A card that starts with a 1 day interval contributes 7x the “density” of a card with a 7 day interval, assuming they have the same pass/fail rate.
For me marking words as easy or hard is helpful not to get annoyed by them, on the other hand they’ve pointed to decision fatigue: Way to make reviews take up less time - #6 by phil
Which i guess in Anki it works well as I use the keyboard and on space it’s next word and rating it as “good” so 90 percent of words I just give the standard rating without much thinking.
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