So I was on track to do this - even had a little google sheet that extended the trend line of how fast I was burning them down clearly showing I would make it around mid December. I was pretty chuffed about it to. Instead though, I decided to intentionally slow down and almost certainly not make it (will prob hit end of Jan if not later instead).
There are 2 reasons:
- I realise I’m doing more SRS reviews that input. This isn’t just HH, I’ve got some old sentence decks I still add to + review etc, but if I’m going to put in an hour to an hour and a half to studying Chinese every day, spending 1 hour of that doing SRS reviews is just way too much. If I had 5 hours to spare then sure, 1 hour of SRS reviews is fine, but my goal is to be able to USE the language, not to win the SRS competition. If I want to improve my listening, I should practise that!
- I’ve hit a point where a lot of the characters I’m learning in HH are often for things I don’t yet know. I’m fairly certain it’s because most content still follows the old HSKv2 vocab lists, while HH has all the HSKv3 additions. I sit somewhere in the level 3 to 4 area in the old HSKv2 version, but there so many extra chars/words in the new HSKv3 bands that lots of new level 2 characters I’m hitting are new to me. It’s great, I like them, they all seem useful but I find them much harder to learn. Mapping a character to something I already understand is comparatively easy compared to learning a new character that doesn’t fit into any existing knowledge.
So I’m going to do a few things:
- Drop new SRS items down significantly so my SRS time gets closer to 20 mins a day across all of them. This means going from 15 items a day to 5 in HH.
- Spend significantly more time on input (either reading DuChinese or watching LazyChinese/Peppa pig etc)
- Prioritise characters/words in HH that I actually want to learn. I’m not studying for the HSK exam, I don’t care the order I learn things in. I know how to say loads of stuff I can’t yet read - I should learn those characters instead of the strict HSK list (especially now the dictionary words are available!).
- For the new words that do show up in the HH queue, try to learn how to use them as they appear in HH, don’t just try to grind it out in isolation.